I am sorry this gives you problems, does Steve's car do the same? As his car is same year and trim as mine and we are using the same Cheap ELM clone devise.
Yes it could have been Steve's car but I don't remember for sure. Here is a version that I added the workaround. Please give it a try and let me know how it works out. Thanks! Update: sorry the file needs to be changed. Please download again.
I am running tight on space but, F: drive was not full. I only run Priidash for a few minuets at a time for testing then download the files and clear F; drive. I will give the work round version a go tomorrow and let you know how I get on. I imagine you must be up to your ears in requests but one suggestion for improvement would be to make the vertical bars representing the various drive sources in the PSD graphic the same colours as the RPM scales below. Thanks again for you help and patience. John.
In windows it can be read like a file, but you cant dir it. you could just grab the code I did.. I let you enter a port number and did sprintf(buffer,"\\.\\COM%d",portNum); o->value(buffer); which worked and saved the user having to correctly format it..
Tried the work round version today and I'm afraid it did not work.The only thing that ran was the clock. Check system using the two previous versions and they ran ok apart from the cat temps as before. Please do not treat this as urgent it is not. I appreciate you must have a considerable work load. I am trying to find a larger hard drive (bigger than 6gig) for my old lap top but it's not worth spending to much money on, but seems foolish to chuck it out when it will stand being use as a tool for the car.
Have you gone back to http://priuschat.com/forums/priidas...ries-share-your-experience-3.html#post1429094 to download again? The first file I uploaded had problems. I have since updated and re-uploaded.
Click on the link that should bring you back to post #22. Download the attached file. It has the same file name but contains a new version. Give that a try. Thanks!
I have loaded the new files on my lap top and given it a dry run (not connected to car) and everything seems fine. Like the new colour bars on the PSD graphics, much moor intuitive. I have a very busy day today so will not have time to check it on the car till tomorrow, but will have a 100mile plus round trip to do so should be a good test. I will keep you informed of the results. By the way thanks for the email, only got it today because of server problems with my provider. John
Success everything working as it should for approx 130miles. I have the log files for approximately 50miles of spirited driving along English country lanes. If the log files are of use I can zip and post them. Thanks again to Wimpy and Steve for your help. John.
Great to hear it worked! Sure please zip and upload both the txt and csv files as I am still trying to figure out why the Windows version only sees about half as many messages as the CygWin version does.
Sorry I have deleted the file due to lack of space, however hear are matching files from today. I have just bought a 60gig hard drive for my lap top, should clear my storage problem when I get it all loaded with OS and Priidash.