I think I saw a "v" on the road in Oakland, CA. Didn't identify it until it was in the rear-view mirror.
Quite possible since several were just in the SF area last week for Green Drive Expo... They were available to be driven during the event which was this past Saturday at the Craneway Pavilion. Did you make it out to drive one yourself?
I saw a red Prius v in Jackson MS yesterday. Mississippi has the fewest Prius per capita of any state, so a new one is pretty rare.
Now you'll see them since they are out, but when the OP originally created this thread it was a rare sight since the v was not out yet.
I was dragged to the local outlet malls by my wife in Lancaster PA - I was parked next to one for a while - I would have gotten out and taken a better look, but there was an old fart sitting in it, no doubt waiting for his wife as well. Not all was lost with the trip to the outlets, at least I was able to get lunch at the only Sonic that I know of in the area.
Other than ones at dealers or auto shows, I've only seen one so far. I saw a white on on the highway within the past week or so. It didn't have plates yet.
Could have been me (v Three) or this other white one (v Three) I saw last weekend that also did not have plates. I saw a third white one (v Five) today but it had plates. And about a month ago, I saw a Clear Sky (v Two or maybe v Three), but didn't have plates, probably has some by now. Also, I was PMed by another fellow Bay Area resident who just got a Metallic Grey one. And there is HockeyDriver too...So including our v, by my count that is at least 6 in Nor Cal, most in the Bay Area
Its pretty surprising to me but I have not seen a single Prius v on the roads around New York - except mine of course
I'm driving mine (clear sky v5) down there next week. SF son considering buying one if it doesn't look too old fart-ish he says.
Just saw my first Prius V in our area, except for my own. It was getting pulled over for speeding and the police officer was having a hard time catching up!
I thought I saw one other than mine, but it wasn't. My partner called to tell me she saw one. They have been out here since before Halloween, and I'm wondering how many are selling.
I followed a Blizzard White v with Bisque interior for 45 minutes on I-95 yesterday. It looked great and the chick inside was really cute. It went right into my driveway and parked. Then the door opened, the music was loud and my wife still sitting in our new Prius v looked at me and said "I love this car!"
Spotted first one today in the wild in my "Chicagoland" home town. I first noticed the pastel minty color, then recognized it as the v.
There is no minty green color for the 2012 Prius v. I think you were seeing the ever changing Clear Sky Metallic. Under various lighting conditions it can appear silver, light blue, light (minty?) green, and even white.
Yup, gotta be that. It was just so different from any color I've seen on the road, thus getting my attention first. Then I said aloud "a 'v'!" My wife then replied "Huh?" I guess one of us couldn't have cared less what it was I was seeing.