Trek Nation on Science Channel Ok, this doesn't count as a Star Trek ep but I didn't feel like starting another thread for this and Priuschat isn't exactly a TV show discussion forum.... From Trek Nation : Science Channel Schedule at The Science Channel :: TV Listings :: Trek Nation. It being rerun a few times in the next two weeks. I've only watched the first 15 minutes or so and it's definitely not a documentary I've seen before.
Okay... One of my favorite Star Trek episodes was "The Way To Eden". The Enterprise transports a group of marginally Manson like devoted Space Hippies. Now make no mistake. This is an absolutely horrible episode. But the attempt to create "Space Hippies" is so....weird...that I can't help but like it. Add to it, a generational split among the Enterprise Crew, and probably the worst "music" ever presented on television and it is so bad, it's good. You'd be a Herbert if you never watched it...
No love for DS9, eh? I'm rewatching it now, almost done the 2nd season. I think it's my favorite because there is a bit more detail fleshed out with the settings and characters, though maybe I have to watch TOS and TNG again in order to have a more apples-apples comparison. (Not sure what these other series are that you guys keep talking about...)
Tooooo many baseball games and James-Bond-like multi-episodes in the holodeck...Oh yeah, a fascination with a Crooner Vic Fontaine. Too bad it fizzled out, probably because of Cpt Janeway... The most memorable to me was when the "writer" son is on a "tour" with cadets that decide to take on Dominion battle cruiser. In typical ST missing-plot fashion, Sisko is reunited with his son Jake, no other survivors...since when do escape pods "escape" detection across enemy lines? I had the impression that Jake was pretty "far out" for a mere escape pod to return home safely...
It wasn't bad, it just wasn't as good as the others. The big problem was the spaceship/station that didn't go anywhere. I love those starfield warp effects. No, Janeway was from Voyager, not DS9. Cisco never really appealed to me - he talked funny, too - but Janeway was a great captain.
My reference to Cpt Janeway, was that the Voyager show was starting, and DS9 was still running... I was hanging on for Voyager to find a wormhole near Dominion space and kick their sorry nice person on their liquid homeworld with Borg nanotech.
I actually rank Deep Space 9 as my least favorite of the Star Trek series but my favorite episode is one from DS9..."The Visitor". It's told in flashback perspective about the captain's disappearance and his son's lifelong quest to recover his father. Very moving episode, I don't tear up very often but this one had me like no other Star Trek. (or other TV for that matter!)
Ok, this isn't a favorite ep, but BBC America is having a TNG marathon all day today (7/4). I should've posted thie earlier since it started 5 am Pacific time.
Worf often seems to get a lot of great (but short) lines. That seemed true in DS9. I'm not sure if he was meant to be comic relief on the show but it sure seemed like it. Wasn't sure where to put this but I found Exclusive: William Shatner Fights an Old ‘Star Trek’ Enemy Again | Movie Talk - Yahoo! Movies funny. The link has a video/promo.
Funny, I liked Deep Space 9. I thought toward the end, final season, it deteriorated quite a bit in it's commitment to a overriding story arc of which I could never really get into. But season for season? Episode to Episode? I thought Deep Space 9 had some excellent writing and routinely very, very good episodes. I speculate that it's heart being about a "Space Station" as opposed to being about a "Space Craft" allowed it to be more diverse in the "type" of episodes produced. Over the course of years you had a little of everything. In this case, episodes about "Religion, Politics and even the operation of a Space Station Restaurant/Casino may of made it unfamiliar feeling to some people trying to get "into" the series. But if I define the Original Star Trek as being "untouchable"? I would probably easily go Star Trek TNG #2, and Deep Space 9, #3. I watched but never liked Voyager or Enterprise nearly as much.
DS9 started slow and I'll admit didn't watch it immediately But when I did watch it and made it through the beginning of the series it really became a great series. But this is coming from someone who also enjoyed Voyager whom many disliked...
Star Trek One Trek Mind: 10 Most Awesome Things About The Mirror Universe doesn't relate to a single ep but a bunch across TOS, DS9 and Enterprise. For those who don't get #9, you MUST watch the two parter of Enterprise: In a Mirror, Darkly and TOS Mirror, Mirror, before it. Trailers at: Scott Bakula does the the Kirk overacting pretty well.
I enjoyed the Star Trek Enterprise (double) episode "In a Mirror, Darkly". Similar to the TOS episode "mirror mirror"in which the good are now evil and you move up by assassination, etc. But with an additional twist- in this rendition the 22nd century Enterprise also tries to retrieve the 24th century Defiant from Tholian space to harvest it's weapons and propulsion tech for 22nd century dominance. Remember the Defiant from TOS? It's the ship that Kirk got stranded on that was drifting in and out of our space/time while the Tholians started building their web around the enterprise. A very clever episode all-in-all, and once the 22nd century crew retrieved the 24th century ship- they changed into the 1960's era uniforms worn on TOS. It was nice seeing the 24th century bridge again- and the old uniforms.
^^^ Yep. I loved all the connections w/both the "Mirror, Mirror" and "The Tholian Web" ep. Besides the the usual connections w/red shirts, there was another that I won't spoil.
I've always liked TNG, but Voyager happened when I lived in Britain and Hong Kong, and I don't think it was shown in either place when I was there. But we've just got a cable upgrade, and there's a channel with loads of Star Trek on it. I've got very into Voyager, and I think Seven of Nine is a particularly interesting character who seems to be behind some really good storylines. I'm watching the episodes as they appear, which seems to have nothing to do with a natural progression of episodes. But the Unimatrix Zero episodes were particularly good. My daughters (who are two and five)* are really into TNG and Voyager: they're always asking to watch episodes, and it calms them down like no other TV programme can. The two-year-old has a real think for Klingons. The two-year-old likes Deep Space Nine as well, but they both hate Enterprise. I hadn't seen Enterprise until a couple of weeks ago. I don't know why, but I can't get into it. It might be that Scott Bakula just makes me think I'm going to watch a syrupy episode of Quantum Leap, or it might be the production values: there's something about the acting and the lighting and the sound that makes it feel more like Days of Our Lives or The Bold and The Beautiful than Star Trek. I suspect that's why the girls don't like it either: it doesn't feel like Star Trek. * To clarify, their ages are two and five, not their names. We are not Borg.
^^^ Re: Enterprise, I'd say the first season (or earlier eps in the 1st season) did feel like Star Trek. They were exploring. However, the show got darker, just like DS9 did. If nothing else, you should watch a couple of the really good eps like "In a Mirror, Darkly". It was AWESOME! I just found Six Enterprise Episodes That Are Just as Good as Your Favorite Star Trek Episode | and OTOH, I'm not sure I agree w/the list. Similitude was good. Carbon Creek was good too. I disagree about the eps that dealt w/Terra Prime. That was kind lame and a total letdown compared to "In a Mirror, Darkly", IIRC. The five best Star Trek: Enterprise episodes of all time! | TechRepublic puts "In a Mirror, Darkly" as #5, but I disagree. That probably should be #1 or close to it. I found Top 10 Star Trek: Enterprise episodes | Den of Geek and I agree about #7 (E^2) being good. #3 Regeneration wasn't bad, but I'm not sure it's a top 10 ep. Some of the eps involving Daniels (Crewman) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki were good, like one where I recall they he and Archer were stranded on a ravaged Earth. Shockwave (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki was the ep. These Are the Voyages... (episode) - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki was kinda clever w/Riker's role.
Thanks for this. I will keep an eye out for those episodes. Maybe I should try watching them without the girls.