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Thanks to 2009Prius, I got the PriiDash working with the OBDLink SX! I got it for $49.99 from Amazon. Here is a quick video I took. In the beginning of the video, I turn off the EV mode so the ICE kicked in. The ICE rpm jumped up and the coolant temp raised up slowly. The HV battery was charging along with a ton of other information. It will take some time to get used to all of those gauges.
I got it working a couple of days ago. Encountered the issues in the FAQ . I used a ScanTool OBDLink XL and a Netbook wth W7 Pic attached, shot after my morning commute of 23mi.
I got mine working using a cheap elm327 usb odbII adapter I got off of ebay £12 although it says 38400 baud on it it can be set up to 500k, but not any higher, so needed a special version of priidash. 500k though seems to be fast enough to read all the values on my car. Steve
MG1, MG2 and HV battery info display as well? Let us know the brand or specific seller or perhaps a pic.
Yep those all display fine, I am in the uk so this is for a 2008 Tspirit. here are a couple of pics and it was ebay item 190569081202
Looks like one of the many "Chinese clones". Their quality is hit or miss so if someone do decide to buy for the low price then be prepared for the possibility of not working or going bad after some use. Just my 2 cents.
I sort of realized that after I had got it. when I bought it I assumed that as long as it said Elm327 and ODBII then it would be fine. Then It kept giving me a '?' every time I tried to set the baud rate to 2M, so I did some research and assumed I had wasted 12 quid, however after a bit more fiddling I found I could set any speed up to 500k. but yes, no make written anywhere, so probably cheap chinese clone, however so far its working, and the ebay seller was local (well in the uk) and it stated 'All current protocols covered including CAN BUS systems.' anyway...
After some valuable help from SteveDH I have my Priidash up and running, (will post pictures as soon as I can) with the same cheap ELM unit as Steve, and on the same model Prius (2008 Tspirit) using the Windows version. The only problem I have is that in the CSV file no HV battery module information is propogated, but the dash display is all opperational, great work. PS Steve you were done only had to pay £9 for my ELM collected locally, but then again you do live in London.
Picture of working Priidash. I have noticed that the speedo on Priidash consistently reads 10% low compared with the Prius speedo ie: 27MPH@30, 36@40, 45@50, 54@60. Has anyone else noticed this and is there a cure.
Nice picture! Please try out the newer version when you have a chance. PriiDash shows the "true" speed determined from the speed sensors on the two rear wheels. The speedometer on the other hand is required by law to "inflate" the numbers. So I guess the "cure" would be to call your representatives and ask them to remove that silly law.
When checked against road side radar speed check signs my speedo is only about 1MPH fast at 30MPH. As I am using oversize tyres this brings the speedo error down so that the Priidash under reads 2MPH at 30MPH. Checking your screen shots your Priidash screen shows less than 1MPH difference at 33MPH. I am in the process of trying the other version and will let you know how I get on.
I have tried the new windows version 20111129 and it runs fine except that to set the comport the (set obdusb port, RED BOX) does not work, brings up some box that I do not understand. I found that if I removed completely (COM7 in the YELLOW BOX) and typed in the required port "in my case COM5" I was able to connect ok. Removing 7 and typing 5 did not work. I find the new features very handy and the whole system easy to set up.
Thanks for the feedback! The COM port is treated as a file under linux but may not be so under Windows thus the dialog box may not work. Directly editing in the input field as you did should work. Is it just "COM5" or "\.\COM5"? I inherited the "." in the default and will take it out in the next release.
I was out testing the new windows version (20111129) today and noticed that cat temp 1&2 are not working, and on checking the (20111021) version picture it was not working on that either, Any suggestions what may be wrong.
Here is the text & csv file relating to the picture with no cat temp values. (version 20111021) The later version (20111129) that also shows zero for cat temp 1&2 produces text & csv files but they are empty (0 KB). Ran it again today just to check, same result. Take no notice of date of file or date shown on picture, just found out my lap top was a year fast.
Sigh! After looking in the log file, now I remember that someone had the same problem. The issue is that your car somehow does not respond to all of the requests in a request command. And my decoder is hard coded to expect all requests being replied. I think I can add a workaround for now to give you cat T readings. Later I will come up with a more intelligent decoder. Thanks for bringing this issue up.