Okay, so for example there's a kindle of kittens and a murder of crows (2 crows is an attempted murder). Would it be a clutch of Prii? :eyebrows: I was wondering about this as I sat at a red light amidst a total of FIVE Prii! Yeah, I almost certainly need to get a life...
Hiya Hyo! So I guess a battery would be an apt (Hyo-esque) pun, clutch is what, (oxy)moronic, and pride is certainly South Park smug. Love 'em all!
No matter how many you have, you still have no clutch. I think a Plural of Prius (Prius is like Deer, it is it's own plural)
Sorry Daniel, but you've been outvoted! Toyota decrees the plural of 'Prius' is 'Prii,' your Latin teacher looks on admonishingly -- Engadget (Can someone please remind me how to replace the full hot link with my choice of words???)
For consideration: an efficiency of Prii a finesse of Prii a kudos of Prii (from the Greek, kudos is singular, confusin' ain't it!) a meme of Prii ( an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within a culture.) a priora of Prii (Prius is the neuter nominative/accusative singular of the adjective 'prior,' but the plural forms of the word – which means ‘earlier, better, more important’- would be Priora) an "a priori" of Prii (This is along the lines of "baffle 'em with bullsh!t." A Priori Justification and Knowledge (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy))
First, copy the link you want attached to your own words. After that type the words you want, like this --> "Something Witty" then select "Something Witty" by highlighting it and click this button above. Paste your link into the dialogue box and click on "OK" Your "Something Witty" should, when clicked, take you to the link you've selected. :rockon:
I still think it's stupid. I'm okay with Jimbo's idea that Prius is its own plural. But Prii is just plain stupid. How are you supposed to pronounce it anyway? "Pree"? Or "Pree-eye"? And anyway, nobody outside the clique of this particular car is going to have the slightest idea what you are talking about when you say "I saw several pree (or pree-eye) today." If you say Priuses everyone who knows there is such a car will know what you're talking about.
It's official. Irony is dead. Boyoboy Daniel, did you get up on the wrong side of bed today???? (And it's pree-eye. Some of us are more easily amused than others...)
Daniel does not recognized nor does he acknowledge a "right" side. Thereby, making it impossible for him to wake or be upon the right side of anything, much less a bed. Them's the fact's! :nod:
Has Daniel been watching too much Herman Cain? Wait, Herman Cain is on the 'right' side, so Rufaro guesses not. :evil: