Why has my 2010 Prius IV suddenly plummeted in re-sale value?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by somerandomweirdo, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. somerandomweirdo

    somerandomweirdo New Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    New York
    2010 Prius
    Hey everyone. This is my first post here. Here it goes.

    I have a blue 2010 Prius IV with the leather and navigation package (no solar roof) with about 22,000 miles. It cost around $30,000 when I purchased it in March of 2010. The car is in great shape with the exception of a few light scratches here and there; nothing really out of the ordinary for a 1.5 year old car though.

    While I adore the car and what it's capable of, I do regret the purchase in some respects. I'm 6' tall and I find the driver's seat does not travel far enough back to accommodate my fairly long legs, and the steering wheel does not telescope out enough for a comfortable reach from this position. To make a long story short, I take a lot of road trips and the car is simply not comfortable for me to drive for extended periods of time.

    Anyway, due to this and a few other reasons (terrible winter/snow performance, loud A/C compressor, etc.), I have been open to the idea of trading it in almost since I bought it. As such, I've been keeping an eye on its trade-in value for the last year and a half, checking up on it every 2-3 months.

    Now that I've provided some background, here's my issue: since purchasing the car its trade-in value (from sources such as Kelley Blue Book, Galves, and quotes from local dealers in NY) has remained fairly consistent at between $21,000 and $23,000. However, around 3 months ago I checked Kelley Blue Book and its value had supposedly sky rocketed to over $26,000. After some digging I found out that this was due to both rising fuel prices which makes hybrids more desirable, and the earthquake in Japan which made Japanese cars very scarce while the factories were still recovering. On a side note, I did take the car to a few dealers after seeing this supposed hike in value and no one was actually willing to give me anywhere close to what KBB was suggesting. Anyway, fast forward to this week. I checked KBB for the first time in a few months and to my shock my car is supposedly suddenly worth $18,000. This was very confusing to me as just 3 months ago my car was showing as $26,000. I decided to take it to a local Toyota dealer to get it appraised and they actually offered me $17,000! I was outraged.

    I have no idea as to why the trade-in value of my car has dropped so significantly in such a short amount of time! The condition of the car has not changed at all and at most I've put on an additional 3,000 miles which should have very little impact on its value. I currently owe about $18,000 on the car so I had been expecting to have at least a few thousand dollars in equity to put towards a new car, but with these new figures I'm actually upside-down on it!

    If anyone has had similar experience with their Prius or has information that can shed some light on this for me, I'd really appreciate it.
    1 person likes this.
  2. dustoff003

    dustoff003 Blizzard Brigade #003

    Dec 27, 2010
    Waianae, HI (Oahu)
    2011 Prius
    Are you kin to PriusChat member somerandomidiot?
  3. somerandomweirdo

    somerandomweirdo New Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    New York
    2010 Prius
    I'm sorry?
  4. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    A similar username signed up earlier this week: SomeRandomIdiot
  5. somerandomweirdo

    somerandomweirdo New Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    New York
    2010 Prius
    Oh. No, I don't know who that is. This is my first time here.
  6. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    I can't speak to the reason but have some hypotheses: Prius supply is more plentiful, gas prices in some areas are now cheaper, 2012 Priuses are shipping soon, 2011 Priues are being discounted more due to the 2012s.

    If you want more $, you'll usually do better selling it on your own.

    As for your complaints about "terrible winter/snow performance", do you have proper snow tires? As for "loud A/C compressor", can you hear it when the windows are closed? I have no Gen 3 and will agree that the Gen 2's AC compressor can get loud but who cares?

    If you're set on trying to trade in/sell to a dealer, try a few others. When I sold my 04 350Z instead of shipping it, I got an offer from a used car dealer for $12K (I think I was advertising it in Craig's list for $12.5K), one Nissan dealer offered $10K while another offered me $14K (!). I should said yes that day instead of hesitating. The $14K was way more than I was expecting from a dealer and much higher than the Edmunds private party value.

    I was hardly getting any responses on CL at $12.5K and even some stupid ones like "would you trade an Isuzu Rodeo for your Z and some cash?" Me: "No. I'm trying to sell a car that I liked so I don't need to ship it. Why would I want a SUV instead?" (I wouldn't ever buy an Isuzu SUV anyway.)

    To make a long story short, some things fell through and I got $13.4K from that last Nissan dealer and was reasonably satisfied.
    1 person likes this.
  7. dustoff003

    dustoff003 Blizzard Brigade #003

    Dec 27, 2010
    Waianae, HI (Oahu)
    2011 Prius
    Nothing to be sorry about. See below.

    My bad I just figured what are the chances of two somerandom something's joining and posting in one week.

    Sorry your car has depreciated, that just means so as all of ours. I bought mine with the Advanced Technology Package I will probably never get my money back for that if I were to sell or trade mine in.

    Now to address your gripes.

    I believe that there are aftermarket seat track extenders to give you more rearward travel.

    You can hear the A/C compressor? I can hear mine if I stand outside the car, it is hardly audible inside the car.

    According to others here on PC a good set of snow tires is all the Prius needs to be a compitant and capabile winter driver suiting most people's needs, within the vehicles limitations of course. They claim it will perfom on par with any other similar front wheel drive car.
  8. somerandomweirdo

    somerandomweirdo New Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    New York
    2010 Prius

    You definitely make some valid points but none of it justifies such a drastic drop. I generally buy a new car every 2-3 years (I get bored easily), so I have a lot of experience buying and selling cars. I've never experienced such a discrepancy like this before.

    And as far as selling privately, due to the tax savings, it actually makes a lot more sense to trade in rather than sell privately (depending on the sales tax in your area and the amount you receive for the trade). Because of the value of my car (I hope) and the 8.65% sales tax in NY, I will end up receiving roughly the same amount for a trade as I would for a private sale, and with a lot less headache and time spent.

    As for the poor snow performance, it's not my tires that are the problem, it's the extremely low ground clearance of the car. Anything more than a couple of inches of snow and my Prius won't even budge. Furthermore, due to its minuscule ground clearance, my car's splash shield has broken off twice within a few months due to it scraping against very small bits of snow/ice on the road. It simply does not ride high enough to clear these otherwise negligible obstacles. I've owned enough cars over the years to know that this is not a problem I should be having with a mid-sized sedan. Even my wife's Hyundai Elantra has no problem getting through snow that my car won't even budge in.

    I know this forum must be filled with Prius enthusiasts and it's certainly not my intention to knock the Prius. I really do love my car; its build quality, advanced technology, and gas mileage are all forces to be reckoned with within the auto industry. Nonetheless, I feel that it simply doesn't suit my needs.
  9. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Sorry, I don't know. Just some thoughts based on my car industry observations.

    As for buying a new car every 2-3 years, ouch! That becomes very spendy. You're taking the depreciation hit when it's the largest. If you're going to continue doing that, you might be better off leasing.

    I see, regarding the tax savings, you're lucky you live in a state where that helps. California isn't one of those (What Fees Should You Pay? - Edmunds.com). :( I agree that it's a headache to sell cars privately. Have done it twice.

    Hmm, that's interesting regarding the ground clearance. I hadn't heard that complaint before. I wonder if getting larger wheels (to go w/snow tires) would be enough mitigation.
  10. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    I don't think the kelly blue book is accurate. It doesn't ask what trim it is. The options are too general. According to kbb, my 5 with ATP is only worth just over $21,000 They're smoking crack if they think my Prius Five/ATP is worth only $21K. What's worse is the trad in value is less than $19K. A Prius II with no options trade in is just under $17K and private sale is just under $19K. According to KBB, there's no price difference between a IV with nav and a V with ATP.
  11. car compulsive

    car compulsive Active Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    2011 Prius
  12. Corwyn

    Corwyn Energy Curmudgeon

    Mar 6, 2011
    2007 Prius
    I don't understand your outrage. A year and a half ago, your car was worth $21,000 and now it is worth $18,000. This sounds about right to me (though I must admit that I don't trade my cars into until they fail, so I am not familiar with how much money people typically lose when trading in a perfectly good car).

    The $26,000 value was, as you know, a temporary aberration due to natural disasters, low supply, and high fuel prices. Did you really think that a car somehow gained value which it would keep forever? Why didn't you sell when the value of your car jumped up $5,000?! I know I was tempted.

    So, despite being accustomed to throwing away a few thousand every few years on new car cachet, and thus knowing that cars never appreciate in value, you watched as a car, that you don't like, did the impossible and increased in value by $5,000 and did nothing. You missed a golden opportunity, and now somehow you are looking for someone to be angry at. I suggest investing in a mirror.
  13. adamace1

    adamace1 Senior Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    Charlotte, NC
    2010 Prius
    Also your talking about trade in. Dealers wont buy a used car unless they can make thousands and thousands off of you. Back when my car was 6 months old carmax said trade in was 6 grand less than they would have sold my car for. Thats how it works. You can get a grand or two more than trade in if you sell it your self.

    I also watch my trade in value and PPV i noticed over the last three months my car lost 4 grand in value.
  14. car compulsive

    car compulsive Active Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    2011 Prius
    I'm the same size as you and had some initial comfort issues. I found that given the generous headroom, raising the seat up and moving the seatback upright made a big difference in my comfort. I've noticed that I have to move the seatback one notch back from the most vertical setting to eliminate back pain. (A lumbar support would help, I suppose.) The center placement of the instruments is handy because I can adjust my steering wheel without worrying about blocking the view of them.

    If you drive a lot of miles, there simply aren't any other cars with a mid-sized interior and the cargo flexibility of the Prius that are also going to get ~50 MPG. While the general public may be losing interest in hybrids (and small cars in general right now - the Chevy Lordstown Cruze and Chrysler Dundee 4-cylinder engine plants are both scaling back production, we all know that sub-$4 gas is a temporary thing. One major oil production / transportation hiccup anywhere in the world will end that and the current administration in Washington is committed to a policy of increasing the efficiency of cars, including restraining oil production to encourage folks to buy higher MPG cars.
  15. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Unfortunately, what the OP is describing just seems normal to me.

    In North America, the 2010 Prius was actually released in May of 2009, so we are dealing with a model coming up on at least 2 model years old. All cars depreciate rapidly in the 2nd and 3rd years.

    Time flys when you are having fun.

    Also right now we are on the verge of the 2012's being released along with the upcoming Plug In Prius. I could foresee a slight bump in the used Prius market, as some "regular" Prius owners make the switch to the Plug In Prius. Further infiltrating the used Prius market with an influx of "newer" used Prius.

    In anycase, it's the dawn of 2012...with new models available now..Prius v, and "refreshed" models on the horizon...along with the Plug in...just a sad fact of ownership but your resale value is going to be lower.

    I've read different takes. But it's some astronomical amount that is lost in depreciation the microsecond you sign the buyers contract and drive off the lot.

    Buying a new car? Is simply not usually a good investment from a total value of the product vs. what you will probably pay for it new...perspective.

    That's why when anyone comes to Prius Chat seeking advice about what vehicle they should buy? One of the cornerstones of my advice regardless of specifics is..."Make Sure You Are Happy With What You Are Buying".

    Mistakes happen, but turning a new car over in a year or two...or 3 is going to almost always be a relatively severe penalty financially.
  16. dhanson865

    dhanson865 Expert and Devil's advocate

    May 24, 2011
    TN, USA
    2005 Prius
    No, tires alone wouldn't do it. There is a noticeable difference between a Gen II and Gen III on ground clearance.

    HEVamerica testing shows

    2004 4.3 inches
    2010 5.5 inches

    both with 15" tires. In addition as the springs sag over the life of the car the ground clearance will lower (testing above was on new cars). I suppose you could try and get aftermarket suspension upgrades to increase ground clearance.

    As to tires alone you don't gain any height at all, not one tenth of an inch, not one hundredth of an inch by going to larger rim sizes (in theoretical terms, assuming the tire manufacturers make all the possible tire sizes).

    Any change in tire size can be done at 15" just as easily as it is done at 16" or 17" and all three come down to tire diameter and how the revs per mile will affect the speedometer / odometer.

    Picking a tire that is 3% larger (which is about the max you should consider without suspension modifications) only gains you .4" to .7" in ground clearance in rough amounts. Actual gains vary by brand/model/tire size and by the PSI you inflate to. Oh, and that's assuming that all of the tire diameter change directly translates into more ground clearance.

    As to the diameters real world examples are

    185/65/15 (2004-2009 Standard U.S. OEM tire size for Goodyear Integrity at 25")

    195/65/15 (2010+ OEM tire size 1 Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max at 25")
    195/65/15 (2010+ OEM tire size 2 Bridgestone Ecopia EP20 at 25")
    195/65/15 (2010+ OEM tire size 3 Yokohama AVID S33D at 25")

    So you could do

    205/65/15 Goodyear Integrity at 25.4"
    205/65/15 Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max at 25.5"
    205/65/15 Bridgestone Blizzak WS70 at 25.5"

    205/60/16 Goodyear Assurance Fuel Max at 25.7"
    205/60/16 Bridgestone Blizzak WS70 at 25.7"

    You could go bigger tires but will they rub? Will they cause other issues (speedometer, odometer, brakes?)

    Better off changing out springs to increase ground clearance and not change the tire size too much.

    Oh, and I just pulled the tire info for a few tires, there may be much better tire options out there, I'm not recommending any specific tires in this post.
  17. somerandomweirdo

    somerandomweirdo New Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    New York
    2010 Prius
    I was getting quotes from dealers for between $22,000 and $23,000 6 months ago and now I'm getting quotes for $17,000. Does this "sound about right" to you? You wouldn't be outraged if your car had seemingly depreciated by $6,000 in only a 6-month period?

    And you must not have read my initial post very carefully because if you had you'd notice that despite KBB claiming my car had jumper several thousands in value, no dealer would actually honor that estimate. As such, there was no actual jump to take advantage of. This is why I did not trade it in at the time.

    I most certainly did not expect my car to appreciate in value, but I don't think it's unreasonable to assume it would depreciate at a fairly predictable rate. Unfortunately it seems that the Prius is far more volatile in this sense than other cars.
  18. somerandomweirdo

    somerandomweirdo New Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    New York
    2010 Prius
    Thank you. That does clear some things up. I figured a decrease in gas prices had something to do with it, but competition from increasingly efficient non-hybrids was not something I considered.
  19. car compulsive

    car compulsive Active Member

    Aug 6, 2011
    2011 Prius
    KBB tended to be generous in values compared to the market. The recently re-did their website and value algorithms to try to provide more accurate, localized pricing. From what I see with my cars, they are probably still a bit generous. (Just try hitting the "instant trade in" button on KBB and see what low-ball offers you get from dealers.) Most dealers around here tend to cluster around the lower numbers from the Edmunds used car calculator.
  20. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    When a dealer has a dozen or two 2011's sitting on the lot there isn't much incentive for him to buy a 2010. Right now there is high inventory & soft demand. The time to sell was when there was nothing (or next to nothing ) sitting on the lot.