All, During the last couple of weeks, I've noticed that when I'm driving my 2002 around a particular left-hand curve on the way to work, the brake warning light comes on for just a couple of seconds or so, then goes out. This has only happened a couple of times so far and not on two consecutive days. The owner's manual only says to take the car to a dealer immediately if this light comes on. Should I have the car looked at even though the warning is only momentary and sporadic?
An easy thing that you can do is to check the brake fluid level. If it is low then I suggest you buy a container of DOT3 brake fluid and replenish. Should you find that the fluid level continues to drop then the brakes need to be inspected for a leak. If low brake fluid level is not the issue then I suggest you have your car checked out by your local Toyota dealer.
This is a classic indication of a low fluid level. When you go around the turn, the fluid flows to one side of the reservoir triggering the brake warning light sensor. Now you simply have to figure out what caused it to go low. Check for fluid leaks on all the brake lines (especially but not limited to the fittings). Remove the rear brake drum and check the wheel cylinders for brake fluid leakage (very common for them to leak over time). Of no leaks are found, top of the reservoir (to the full line, not to the top of the reservoir) and you should not get the light any more.