Gen I Forced EV Mode

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by usnavystgc, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. usnavystgc

    usnavystgc Die Hard DIYer and Ebike enthusiast.

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2005 Prius
    I have noticed that when I put my 01 Prius in "D" after I turn the key but, before the ICE starts, it seems to force it into an "EV" mode (the ICE doesn't start, and I can drive on battery only until its charge is way lower than the system usually lets it get). I also get all the warning lights (Triangle, Check Engine and Hybrid Warning). If I pull over, turn it off and turn it back on, the ICE will start and the car will function normally (all the warning lights will still be on unless I cycle the ignition several times). Has anyone else experienced this? I has happened to me at least 5x in the past two years (only because I'm so impatient and put the car in "D" too fast not because I'm trying to do it).

    Will doing this too often cause any permanent problems? Can this be exploited to do short trips (ie, less than a mile)?
  2. jhknight

    jhknight Junior Member

    Oct 15, 2011
    south central Minnesota
    2002 Prius

    Very interesting. I will have to try that next time I want to back it out of the garage.
    But NO, it is not good to pull the battery down below the normal preset threshhold. The battery charge state is factory set and hard wired to a max charge of around 80% and a minimum somewhere around 20% to extend the life of the battery. WAIT for the READY light.
    I once took my 2002 to a tire dealer which was a BIG mistake; not sure what they did but I suspect - as is standard procedure in that shop - that they put the little hybrid in 'N', and hybrids do not like this, and possibly turned the key off to kill the engine. In the meanwhile the 12V battery was discharged completely during the time they spent changing the oil. when they jump started her the ICE was running but not charging the hybrid NiMh battery at all nor engaging the CVT transmission. No warning lights at all. But they drove it in EV mode like this until the NiMh battery was almost drained and would have been destroyed had I not dropped everything at work to go turn the ICE off and reboot the car. (IDIOTS) I had to drive and restart the car about 3 times before the NiMh battery was finally -RELIEF- recharged fully.
  3. usnavystgc

    usnavystgc Die Hard DIYer and Ebike enthusiast.

    Jul 29, 2011
    Tucson, AZ
    2005 Prius
    I don't believe it works when you put it in reverse. I've only noticed this happening when I put it in drive (usually after I fill up with gas and I'm in a hurry).