I was involved in a collision tonight with a deer. Deer hit the front end of the car and bounced up. Upon inspecting the car, I noticed hood was pushed in. Also, there appears to be slight misalignment in the front bumper as there was direct collision between deer and license plate holder. I am going to bring in the car for inspection/ estimate on Friday morning. This is 2nd time deer has run into our cars in the last 3 years (2002 WRX and 2011 Prius). Luckily, no one got hurt in the car.
Dang, sorry to hear about the accident. Good luck when you bring the car in but what matters most is as you've said, no one got hurt!
bummer dude, my daughter got hit by one a few years back, we have a ton of them around here. glad you're all okay!
What makes it worse is that I just spent a lot of money getting 3M clear bra installed in September. Anyone knows if insurance can also cover the cost of clear bra?
Usually comp insurance will cover this. Sorry to hear about your incident. Glad to hear that you are ok. I hope the deer is not suffering.
Sorry to hear about your collision with the deer but glad no one was hurt. Tis the season for deer. We had one run across the road right in front of us a couple of weeks ago. We see a lot "red eyes" along the roadways this time of the year.
Obviously the clear bra didn't work. You should go with thicker material if you plan on hitting deer. Tom
This is the reason I encourage hunters to stay close to home and hunt rather than go "Up north" to deer camp. We need to thin our over-fed and over-producing deer herds in southern Michigan. Interesting that I can see the pics on my iPad, but not on my Mac.
We were driving around 40mph when collision occurred. We went to Allstate drive in center to get an estimate today. Hood and hinges need to be replaced and front bumper repaired. Fenders will need to be re-aligned as well. Total estimate came out to $1850 with $500 included for a 3M clear bra. Obviously, it will be way more than $500 for 3M clear bra, so it will be adjusted accordingly once the repair is made. Hope deer is either alive w/o any major injury or dead as it's gotten really cold last couple of days.
Yep. Back in the 1990's / pre Prius days, we did that. The buck ended up under the Ford Exploader ... really messed up the dear. It wrecks the taste of the meat. Yes, we tried to salvage it. Always heard the meat gets wrecked if the dear dies 'aware'. The dogs didn't mind. After they licked the underside of the Ford clean (it smelled like we were roasting something in the garage, when we got home) we froze the meat after we'd deemed it was bad - and it supplemented to dog food for over a year. Waste not want not. You're supposed to notify the ranger when there's road kill ... but heck, what's the point. I wouldn't want that to count towards my tag.
Would deer meat be wrecked if say it was shot by a hunter and died rather slowly while being "aware"?
Not wanting to offend vegetarians on PC, first off ... but in short, many folks that regularly consume venison say yes - deer meat taste can often be negatively impacted: Proper Care of Venison is Necessary for Excellent-Quality Meat ... that said, taste is a matter of personal preference. However, if your car was just wrecked in a deer collision, chances are that properly dressing out a carcass is the last thing on your mind ... and by the time you'd get around to it - you might as well forget about it. .
Re: Hit a deer tonight.. Sorry to hear about the accident; glad you weren't hurt. That's a shame about having just put the 3M clear bra on.
Weren't we just talking about better headlights to keep this from happening? Damn deer! Ohh in a lot of places you are not allowed to take the kill. You are required to call law enforcement appropriate to your area so I wouldn't recommend transporting road kill without first checking local regulations. On and episode of Judge Judy yesterday there were two sisters suing for damages to one sister's car. The defendant offered her sister a portion of the deer instead of paying for the damage done to the car. When Judge Judy asked about the deer the defendant replied "ohh it's dead. We ate it". Damn southerners. LOL