Does anybody know how to get an updated GPS DVD for the 2010 Toyota Prius? This thing is currently worthless... it doesn't recognize the majority of streets around my area. I have no idea if Toyota even cares enough about their customers to update their map with new information. Plus, not that an updated map can fix this, but it ALWAYS gives the worst directions possible... taking me faaar out of the way to get on some highway or some road that it considers "better", when the REAL route is soooo much closer and easier. The Maps app on my $199 iPhone is VASTLY SUPERIOR (not even close) to the GPS navigational system in my $30,000 Prius. Too bad Apple doesn't make a car. Toyota should be ashamed of themselves.
Toyota updates the GPS maps every year around October. They have just released version 11.1 for 2011. You can only get the updated DVD from your dealer. Have you taken the time to go through your setup info to make sure you have the system set up to match your driving style? I have the same system that you have and have no problem with mine. It would be hard to believe that NavTeq or TeleAtlas has done a much better job in NC than they have in LA, CA. There are also threads on here about the best way to enter city and street addresses to make sure you are entering the street names the way that the system has them entered. City first and then basic street name before name endings to see what street names are listed by the system. There are also setup info for what types of roads to avoid, etc. If you do not have this setup correctly, for example to avoid freeways, it will take you to side roads, etc.
The latest version of the Navigation DVD 11.1 is avialable from Toyota for approximately $163.00. It might update the streets in your area. However, if you know a better way to get around, why do you need navigation to get there? If one is in an unfamiliar area, it will get you there and that is the purpose of the system. True, it is not as good as Garmin, Tom Tom or your Iphone app, but is just as good as any in vehicle nav system!
Thanks so much, everybody, for the information on the 11.1 update. I personally don't think it's fair that Toyota charges money for this, especially such an exorbitant amount of money, but I will probably pony up for it just to see if there are any improvements in my area. Also, I wish that some of you wouldn't assume things: I actually do NOT know my way around, which is why I'm using the GPS. I'm comparing the Maps feature on my iPhone, which takes me DIRECTLY to a location 6.2 miles away, as opposed to the Prius' way of navigating to the EXACT SAME LOCATION, which takes LITERALLY 14.1 miles when following the Prius. I am not joking and can replicate it for you. It's because the Prius has no concept of many streets (which I don't even think are that new, but I can find out for sure), so the Prius continually insists on taking me back to freeways, even though I have told it not to take me to freeways. I now always depend on my iPhone instead of the Prius GPS. I am just so greatly disappointed with Toyota's quality.
The GPS always gives you three routes to choose from: Quickest, Shortest and Alternate. Are you saying that all three take you to the freeway?
I don't always get all 3 routes to choose from. It often just gives me one route, take it or leave it.
Before you press OK in the Route Preview screen, there's a button at the bottom called "Edit Route". That'll bring up the 3 options.
For what it is worth, I have read suggestions that it is better to purchase the upgrade every other year to see any significant change. I too have a 2010, but I am not sure if I have a ver 9 or 10 map. There is a way to determine the version ... but I have forgotten how. I have no complaint with the Prius Nav SYSTEM .... but the software really is poor. An earlier writer suggested reading the manual ... I was not happy with the SYSTEM until I learned to use it. But I have found no cure for the software.
I had the 8.1 version and just upgraded to the 11.1. I reviewed the updates for each year and decided after the 3rd year that most of the updates that I wanted were included. Yes, the manual and the software are not user friendly. I learned the best info came from the Setup->Nav->Detailed Navi setup screen. There is a ? at the top of the screen. If you select the ? it will highlight each selection. When each selection is clicked on a help menu comes up with a brief description of what each setup function does. Try this the next time and see if this helps.
np. Also check to see if the options for highway, toll road and so forth are set the way to want and lastly check the Driving Speeds in the SETUP --> Navigation --> Detailed Navigation Settings to ensure that the Residential, Main Street and Highway speeds are set correctly. INFO-PHONE --> Map --> DVD version.. I think that's how you get to it.
What a joke that we have to pay that kind of money to update the GPS after paying such a premium price for the car in the first place. Mine has never worked well from the beginning. Shame on Toyota.