There's no point to start a new thread for each sentence on the same topic.
Welcome, but don't abuse the site by putting a string of pointless posts like that. They've been deleted.
Generally the only time I see a string of posts like that is when someone is building a post count before adding a spam link. Tom
A few posts in one thread would have sufficed. Although, I hunch the spirit of the law would be for the posts to be meaningful. Not the best start, Kev, nor the first time this sort of thing has happened, but we'll give you the chance to make up for it.
Since the post that tied it all together, #5 also was deleted....that included the link to my real reason for posting. I will say I'm sorry to have offended anyone, it was a bit of humor that obviously fell flat without the fifth post. I was following the forum rules of 5 posts before pictures are allowed and I am in need of some items for my project that is not a glamor queen to the average forum member from what I can determine. It has been drooled over by those who's opinion matters to me. The piece has been used for training by our instuctors and visiting training vendors including a design engineer for one of the major auto companies. It was met with great satisfaction. I had planned to do a slideshow of the build process but will hold off as to not be a problem person. Currently I cannot add the link now that my prior posts have been deleted. Wow this is a hard crowd to get a laugh from.
Generally, we're a pretty humorous bunch. Some more than others, and a few definitely aren't pretty.... The worst is over. One more, then let's see your project.
I know that I would be interested in hearing about this "lurker"'s project..Inquiring minds want to know...
He now has 4 posts, so his next one, preferably in this thread if appropriate or a new one if it deserves a thread of it's own, he should be able to complete the post.
It would have been better to merge them, apparently the fifth post was not even read and it pulled it all together. Well I'm a big boy and can brush this off and move along. The forum-bot still will not let me post the link. It is titled "HV harness pieces wanted" and is in the Gen 2 care maint and troubleshooting section. The next post I will try to provide the link...stay tuned !!
Lets see if this works.