everyone! I'm looking to buy a new 2011 Prius III. I'm a student so I'm trying to get a good price. I have emailed some dealers about obtaining prices over the Internet, but they all want me to make an appointment. I know exactly what I want and prefer to have a price in mind and see who is willing to work with me. I've emailed a SoCal dealer who regularly lists their prices, but they would not give them to me because I plan to see if a dealer in AZ will match that price. If not, I would be willing to go to SoCal. It is only realistic I try to get the car here first. Maybe someone can give me an idea of a good price... What have you recently paid for a Prius III base or with nav? What are the advertisements you have seen for a Prius III base or with nav? What do you think would be a good price to pay right now? One dealership I talked to... Prius III base - $24,222 including delivery and mats...plus TTL Not doing 2.9% for 60 months. They might be able to work a number in the 3s. What do you think?
research... research...research. Buying a car is a big purchase do some investigating on your own before you contact dealers. A lot of pricing information is listed on these forums, try using the handy search function. Vice versa.. sites like cars.com and truecar.com help with this matter.
Thanks! I have tried Cars.com, but they are listed at MSRP. I have never heard of Truecar.com so I will try that.
I just bought my 2011 Prius III with navigation and it came in at $25,900 (plus taxes other fees) and I think MSRP was $27,210 so I was pretty happy with that price. I worked with AutoNation and they negotiated the price for me so I wouldn't have to deal with salespeople. You can use similar buying programs at Sam's, Costco, Overstock and AAA. If you need my AutoNation guy's number just PM me and I'll send it to you. I sold my car on Tuesday (much faster than I planned...who knew anyone would want a 2000 Ford Focus?) and he found me the car I wanted, worked out the Toyota financing, and had it delivered to a bank near my work a day later. I guess they deliver a standard $500-$700 over invoice. I'm sure there are people that get amazing deals but that would mean they had to really work the price down with the staff at the dealer and take something off the lot. I didn't have the luxary of time or patience. I heard later it's not easy to find the color, trim and nav combo I wanted on the lot.
Trishyco, that was a lot of help. Since Nav is $1930 that brings a basic to around $23970. I've never thought of buying programs; good tip! Great you sold your car so fast! I probably won't get that lucky even though it is a Honda. So what color did you get? I'm looking for gray and haven't seen a three with just the nav anywhere. Was there a delivery fee for dropping it off? What was the best financing available for 60 months?
I really like the Nav and think it was worth it for me. I always seem to be going new places and am frequently lost. We have a Garmin but the whole charging and hiding it from potential burglars drove me nuts. I wished I could have done the solar panel as well but I was already over budget as it was since I didn't buy a used one as I orginally planned! Anyway, I priced my car REALLY competively. I check to see what everyone else was selling it on Autotrader for and priced it about $250-$500 under that. It was just slight under BlueBook as well. Not because I don't need money but I knew everyone would try to talk me down anyway. I had four calls and one email on it within 8 hours of the ad going up! And the second caller bought it for the price I listed. I bought the Red Prius and it would have been 100% easier if I wanted grey. There wasn't any fee for having them drop it off at the bank (it was a courtesy since AutoNation has a relationship with my husband's credit union) and I got 2.9% for 60 months. Hope that helps!
Truecar.com has the base model Prius III with no options listed at 22,360 in NorCal. Use any zip code near Sacramento.
I would like the nav since I'm always calling someone when I'm lost. Solar might be nice, but it is a lot more and I live in Phx. I used Truecar, which sent my info to some dealerships. One got back with some numbers. Just need to figure out the bottom line and see if it sounds good. I found that they are doing $1000 cash back or 1.9% for 60 mos. It would be better to take the cash and do 2.9%. I'm glad to hear places are doing 2.9%. I'm thinking the original dealer I spoke with just told me they aren't. And never any mention of $1000 cash back. If I can't get 2.9%, I think I can get it at B of A. If I don't find a deal locally I will try AutoNation or Costco. Thanks for your help!
Can't wait to hear what happens! Keep up posted in the Newbie board when you get your new car. My friend used the tips offered by this system to help negotiate the price of his car and seemed to like it. Fighting Chance New Car Buying Guide - Fighting Chance! ... Testimonials
Did you call Dianne Whitmire/ Carson Toyota. Search dealers & pricing. She has the best deals for priuschat members
I'm a new Prius owner! Package III Solar/Nav Package Winter Metallic Gray/Dark Gray Ordered the way I wanted so I didn't have to pay for extras $26691 0% for 60 months Now we have Prii!
Prius IV Solar/NAV Blizzard Pearl, included Tinted windows, mats, 29,800 with zero down and VERY VERY low int rate
Thanks! I do, but it is like a spaceship inside! Need to read the manuals. I haven't sold my car yet, hopefully someone will want to buy a car for Christmas.
Let me know if you need any car selling tips. My husband I both sold our old-nice person Fords the first day of the ad!