If you had told me two years go that this redneck would be getting rid of my 2006 chevy avalanche to buy a Prius, I would have called you crazy. :flypig:However, five months worth of $800 per month gas bills have brought me to my senses. I am absolutely thrilled with my new 2011 five. I have owned everything from a VW bug to a bmw seven series and I don't think I've ever truly enjoyed the technology of a car more than I am right now. Really makes me feel good to withhold some small but symbolic dollars from those evil bastards in the middle east. The designers of this car are my heroes. Way to go Toyota! :cheer2:
I must say INDEED everything you said is so true, From a decade of driving a Ford Exploder Sportrac (i love that truck), hating on the prius driver I would have never seen myself driving one, but When I started to see the Gen III on the road the design wasn't EGG. The angles looked good more wedge shaped more sleek. I went to the dealer took out a 4, and it had a very lasting impression on me. The room in the rear seats, the sound of the stereo, the possibility of 50 mpg. As I continued to look my mind was made up, I keep thinking of the prius, I settled on a Package 3 and have enjoyed every moment I get to drive it, I no longer fill my tank for $70 X 3 times a week, I fill up once, for around $33. Yeah Im loving it! More so At this very moment due to not having my prius... I am currently in a rental car, and reminded why I went "treehugger" and got this car. THE GAS SAVED!!! THE MONEY SAVED!!! oh, and my kids might get to have a breath of fresh air when their my age. I am 6500 miles in, with four months of ownership. I couldnt be happier at this point. but why dont I see more 30 somethings driving this car? I only see OLD people, OLD Ladies... This isnt an OLD Ladies car is it?
$800 a month on gas bills? I know a Chevy Avalanche get's horrible gas mileage but still? How many miles per month are you averaging? You should of bought a Prius a long time ago. Infact, go buy another, with the money you are now saving you can afford it...
Just brought my 1st Prius home yesterday I just came home with my first Prius yesterday. A 2009, White/Bisque, pkg 5. I LOVE IT! I was spending over $80 to fill up the tank of my 2001 Dodge Grand Caravan, & I would maybe get 243 mpg if I was driving on the fwy. I was filling that 20 gal. tank up 5x a month. If I was to take a long day or weekend trip, that was another $80 in gas. So, That van had to GO! Now I'm in heaven with my new joy toy. And I'm a "youngish" 30's gal, not a little ol lady! These things are definately catching on. I have a small pmt of $210/mo, and I calculate only spending $80-$120/mo on gas...........Still less than owning my old Drunken Sailr of a van, and I get a stylish new sled that doesn't scream, "Soccer Mom!" (Now if I could just find the off button in Nav, for that wretched Reverse Beep, or I might just start cutting at odd wires till it stops!!!)
Re: Just brought my 1st Prius home yesterday :welcome:Welcome aboard everyone! For those who want to improve their mileage figures beyond what you're getting, there's a wealth of info on here. Besides putting less money in the hands of those in the Middle East, you also get the satisfaction if putting less money in the hands of big oil. On your 2nd gen, http://priuschat.com/forums/knowledge-base-articles-discussion/37380-disabling-reverse-beep.html should be correct. To make your "conversion" complete, you gotta check out Side note: Since we're heading into colder weather, you will almost certainly see your mileage drop in colder weather and rise again once it warms up. If nothing else, keep your tires inflated properly and read these below, for reasons and perspective: Why does mileage drop in winter? — Autoblog Green Cold Weather Vehicle Fuel Mileage – Why Winter Fuel Economy Drops – Fuel Mileage Drop in Vehicles Car Talk http://web.archive.org/web/20091207044334/http://www.startribune.com/cars/11354696.html http://priuschat.com/forums/other-c...eage-no-its-your-gallonage-really-counts.html - especially read what I quoted there
For those who wondered, The $800 a month comes from driving from Columbus, Ga to Atlanta, Ga and back four times a week. Cost in gas was about $50 round trip in the Avalanche thusly, 200 clams per week and sometimes more. $800 to $1000 a month really gets your attention. I can't get the smile off my face while in my Prius. Now, if I could just find the instructions for the APGS in my owners manual.....
Welcome to PC!~ Best Of Luck with Your New Ride. You have joined the many who put their families first. Pay for all this gas to Look Macho at the expense of my family or Get a Prius and spend the money on vacation or entertainment for the kids. You chose wisely my friend!!
Congrats on your new wheels... Enjoy the ride.... and post pictures... when your with your friends, push the pwr button for better response time. that shut my 3 sons up when we went out golfing after I had just gotten my 2010 Prius (i use eco when they aren't around).
Welcome to the Prius family! I was in the same boat you were in. Except I had a SRT-8 and was a street racer, not a redneck. LOL Either way once you come to your senses I think you wind up enjoying the Prius.. We got rid of the SRT-8 for the Prius, and just got rid of our truck last month for the Volt.. Once you cross over it is hard to drive anything else.
Before this, I was a longtime member of the corvette forum. Here's one of my my former redneck rides.
GM ought to try a hybrid 'Vette. It wouldn't get 50 MPG but 30+ should be easy while dusting all of its old conventional broken-down technology brethren.