I've been averaging 38.x mpg in a 2010 Camry Hybrid since Tuesday traveling roads between San Francisco and Sacramento. Not too bad for that car Mike
My Prius prefers the hwy. This summer while driving 74 mph for hours on end (granted it was through PA mountains) I averaged 54mpg's, with a/c on.
Returning back to the subject: Prius haters.. Here in Greece I have not noticed such an issue. It would be good to have the input of other, non USA residents, on this matter. Please comment. Nandros
Don't think I met anybody hates Prius, but many people seem to be dismissive of it. Today a SUV swagged into my lane while I am on the rightmost exit ramp, and I accelerated out to avoid a swipe. Quite a sweat, and did not remember to use the horn. Maybe he did not think Prius has any speed, maybe he will ignore any other car in that position. Maybe I should carry something on roof to make it more visible. Any ideas?
I drive in the USA's "Deep South". This is a politically conservative area, and in the United States especially, the Prius is considered to be a small, foreign-built car that is preferred by politically liberal people, or environmental activists. Some of this is due to the fact that Americans tend to oversimplify things, and some of this is due to the fact that cars (as well as roads) here in America are larger. Having said all of that, I've been driving my Prius for a year now and I haven't experienced any "Prius Hate" (outside this forum). The reception from my friends and family has been rather sedate. I have found that Prius drivers can be a little overly sensitive about their cars, just as motorcyclists in this country are. I get cut off and tailgated regularly on my bikes, but I do not attribute this to the fact that people out there hate motorcycles. I attribute it to the fact that US drivers are very poorly (or not) trained, inattentive behind the wheel, and always in a great hurry to get nowhere faster. There is a political/ecological dimension to the whole "Prius Hate" syndrome, but if you look through this forum (especially where SUVs, or the VOLT is concerned) I think that you will find that most of it is self generated. Short Answer: I haven't seen any Prius Hate, but then again.....I'm not looking for it. Best of Luck!
I get guff from my co-workers and friends, but I'm not bothered. I have not received any real hatred yet. I don't agree with ETC(SS) about american drivers. Poor driving exists, in the same quanities, in other countries as it does in America. I have spent over 18 years overseas (Germany, Japan, Saudi, France, Iraq, Canada, etc...) and I have seen some really atrocious driving there as well.
That would be me . I usually accelerate pretty fast from a stop, just because Prius has that power. Many times drivers around may not be expecting that, at the least from a Prius. I need to tune down a bit.
"It's ugly," "It's slow," I own a prius...and I agree. It's fuel economy is about 2-3 mpg better than my tdi (71 of my 75 milee commute is 60+ mph highway....if there was a bit more city driving...I'd see better than 51-52 mpg). It IS ugly... but i didnt buy it for its looks. It handling is poor, again my tdi handles way better. The tdi got replaced with a prius because i wont buy a car that gets less that 45 mpg and there werent any tdi's sub 10k that i could find. Its less expensive to fuel up due to cheaper gas, but it doesnt have the range as its tank is 4 gallons smaller. maintenance is less expensive. why are you even worried about other peoples opinions? Did you buy the car for you or them?