yeah bigger angle means bigger glass. Apparently that little "wing window" look alike does not provide enough suppprt to reduce the size of the pil la r since my Leaf has a nearlyidentical pillar as far as thickness and placement
Yeah....that was in my now totaled 09....... the new 2011 I just purchased....... Penny might be SOL. LOL
My family used to do the same thing in our '73 LTD station wagon, to shut off that annoying seatbelt interlock buzzer. Funny how nothing's changed, really.
$90 citation for not wearing seat belt. the blinking reminder light is visible from a motorcycle officer view. rotator cuff injury prevented my wearing seatbelt. jbl fmam sounds weak. awesome car!!!
Nope. Just fur all over. She just chills while riding. She is a 55lb mini-great dane/boxer mix. She rode on the floorboard of the front seat (with my seat slid ALL THE WAY back) from STL to Jacksonville this summer. Snored the whole way. She has ridden in the hatch back part numerous times with no problems too. However, we had a foster that we transported from the vet who got sick all in the back of the hatch lol. That was a nightmare to clean up. Penny, my dog, not the foster, doesn't act up in the car or get sick or anything. Just depends on the dog I guess.
I find the driver's seat to be uncomfortable. It gives me a backache. That's my main complaint. I tried a lumbar support device, which helps, but shouldn't be necessary with a properly designed seat.
Cool! My dogs like to hang out of the window. I was just worried about them scratching up the plastic. They are not happy about being banned from the new car.
Yeah I can definitely see how that might scratch the plastic. I am not positive where to find them but they DO make door upholstery and plastic guards that clip into the window and then you take them off when you're not using them. I have seen them on the car of another rescue volunteer.
#1 - NO USB port. I miss listening to music on my usb flash drive in my car before the prius. I have a package II, so no USB. This should be standard in all Prius's. Freaking Corolla's have them.
1. All the rattles - my wife calls it a rattle trap. 2. The amazingly cheap plastics that they used that scratch if you look at it cross-eyed.
I can't go from zero to 60mph in 4.5 seconds, but then I didn't buy it for the brisk acceleration lol, I bought it for the mileage and enviro-friendly aspect of it.