I know that many of you, like me, are finding that the prius seats are very uncomfortable. What are you using to alleviate the pain? I tried using the seat pad with the wooden beads on the butt and back but I returned it bc it was not helping. Then I got a pillow like padding for my back but i cant figure out the best position to use it in. I cant even tell why the prius seat is so uncomfortable. Do i need something for the small of my back or the middle part of my back or what... lol! and when I was using the pillow pad, it was so thick I had to push the seat back so I wasnt smashed up against the wheel and the windshield but then my feet ended up being too far from the pedals... what are you guys using?
I find the Prius to be pretty comftorable. I have seen others using small throw pillows to support their lower lumbar area though. To me that would be the cheapest/easiest solution. Really depends on what type of pain you are experiencing though. Could get some of that egg crate foam stuff and shape it to your desire for use on the seat.
It's not uncomfortable for me and my butt has pushed down those seats for 149,000 miles. You may need to find a custom upholstery shop that can recushion your seats.
I don't have a 3rd gen (seats are different than my 2nd gen) but I mentioned what I tried using at http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/97684-help-bad-backs-in-prius.html#post1384043. It seemed to help. I only use it on long (300+ mile) drives.
Back Lumbar Support Pillow - LumbarCushion by Tempur-Pedic Mabis Memory Foam Lumbar Cushion, Black Couple of choices for memory foam lumbar support cushions, small, versatile and effective.
I had problems with my back hurting in the beginning for about a month off and on. I took a long trip and on the way back the next day I had no problems. Maybe it takes a while to get use to the seats. It took me about 2000 or so miles to not experience anymore discomfort. I haven't had any problems since and it has been two months so far since the trip. If you cannot get use to the seats try going to relaxtheback dot com. Depending where you live they may have a store near you.
After not finding any commercial device that was the right size and firmness for the small of my back I've been using a folded/rolled-up t-shirt. For several years now it has worked well and it's cheap.
I have tried a memory foam lumbar support and a foam wedge given to my husband by his chiropractor, which he has gone to due to pain from the new prius ... these have not worked. We spent a lot of money installling leather with lumbar support and that feels like a brick is in our backs. Also our legs get very sore and tired. No other car has ever caused me pain so it wasnt something I researched before buying the car. We would love to keep it but are now thinking of trading it in for a camry or.. something else... help someone ...
I find the seats quite comfortable and the lumbar bar adds a little customization. Of course on long 3+ hour drives it can become an issue but I'd have that problem if I were seating in a King's throne.
The seats are fine for me; not the best, but more than adequate. Some posters have reported good results from improved thigh support. Holding up your leg can lead to lower back pain. Tom
I bought a wedge from an autostore but it's a bit much, so really I find a shirt/towel rolled up or something works ok.