Hello, I am just wondering , if its possible and how to "change oil change worming" from 5k to lets say 3k. Thanks, C
You cannot change the 5k message that is programmed from the factory but you can set up another message in the Maintenance setup screen. Go to Setup->Vehicle->Maintenance and you can set up different maintenance functions from everything from oil and filter changes to cabin air filter changes. You enter a mileage and date to message you. Sorry, I just reread your profile and notice you do not have a Nav screen to do the above. I do not think there is a way to do this without the Nav screens.
I see you've gotten the correct answer, but why would you want to? Other than the first oil change, which some here like to do quite early, I've never seen anybody want to change their oil more often than every 5k; and most are pretty excited to have the 10k interval. Even if you're putting the car through a lot of stress, 5k should be plenty...
You need to change your oil at the interval that gives you the best peace of mind. My personal interval is 5k. It gives me a reason to get under the car and inspect everything under the engine undercover. Just in case you do not know how to reset the Oil Maintenance Reminder, hold the KM/HR -> MPH button while pressing the Power button. A screen showing reset progress will be displayed. When progress is complete the screen disappears. You are good for another 5k miles.