p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by jp3rks, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. mwilson

    mwilson Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    Raleigh, NC
    2006 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Yes, the car did make it to Taylors and their diagnosis was to replace the battery ecu and main system relay with ones they knew were working.

    Here are the codes they gave me:
    P3105, subcode 208 Battery ECU internal failure
    B1100 Airbag sensor assy malfunction
    P3001 Battery ECU failure subcode 129
    P3030 Voltage detection line failure
    P3115 Battery current sensor open circuit

    They did not have the parts in house at the time so I bought a whole battery assembly including battery ecu and main system relay from a salvage yard, but the P3001and P3030 codes still popped up.

    After informing Taylor’s of this, he seems to agree that it might be a wiring issue. I’m sure they could find the problem, but at this point its back into my realm of know how.

    Another issue I have is 4 wires going to the battery ecu connector that I cannot find on the hybrid system wiring diagram. The connector is “B17†and the terminal numbers are 3 (grey wire), 5 (yellow wire), 9 (yellow-black wire), 10 (purple-white wire). Do all cars have these wires and I’m just overlooking something or is this something different?

    Thanks for the input and I will start checking the resistance of the wires.
  2. seilerts

    seilerts Battery Curmudgeon

    Mar 7, 2010
    Santa Fe, NM
    2005 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Take a look at the attached wiring diagram. It makes sense to me that the problem is in the HV ECU - SMR - Battery ECU wiring.

    Attached Files:

  3. vincent1449p

    vincent1449p Active Member

    May 24, 2004
    2012 Prius c
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    I believe you are referring to the secret charging connector behind the orange plate. That connector is used by the THS Charger to charge the HV Battery.



    Here is a link to the THS Charger:



    Attached Files:

  4. mwilson

    mwilson Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    Raleigh, NC
    2006 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the posts.

    I have checked the resistance of each wire from the harness to its farthest termination point. My test setup had a baseline resistance of 0.1. The larger gauge wires were 0.5 or below and the smaller gauge wires were all in the range of 0.6 to 0.7. The shorter wires going to the SMR were in the range of 0.3-0.4.

    The highest resistance measured was 0.7.
  5. seilerts

    seilerts Battery Curmudgeon

    Mar 7, 2010
    Santa Fe, NM
    2005 Prius
    I've lost track of everything that has been done to this car. Has the SMR been replaced? I wonder what the resistance is at the HV terminals when the relay is closed. Also, be sure to check that there are no shorts to ground or each other with all these.

    It might be worthwhile to pull the SMR and take a good look at all connections. For comparison, there are some good close-up pictures of the SMR here: 2001 Toyota Prius NHW11 battery components
  6. mwilson

    mwilson Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    Raleigh, NC
    2006 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    The SMR has been replaced. The battery assembly with SMR and battery ECU has also been placed in another Prius and worked ok.

    I checked the wires two times for shorts to ground or to each other and there were none.

    Does anyone know what the voltage reading should be at the SMR and Battery ECU terminals? (Connectors B17, B18, and S8)
  7. seilerts

    seilerts Battery Curmudgeon

    Mar 7, 2010
    Santa Fe, NM
    2005 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    OK, so if battery+battery ECU+SMR work fine in another Gen I, then the problem must be the wiring going to the HV ECU and the inverter, as well as the 12V power that supplies the battery ECU, perhaps also the IGCT relay. See attached for voltage readings at B17 and B18.

    Attached Files:

  8. mwilson

    mwilson Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    Raleigh, NC
    2006 Prius
    I agree seilerts. I haven't had a chance to work on it lately.

    Does anyone have the terminal condition/voltages for the inverter/converter and HV ECU terminals?
  9. epoch_time

    epoch_time Active Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    las vegas
    2009 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Mwilson. I've just read everything and am refreshed with the problems on this car..You have done some excellant testing and trouble shooting..You report 265 volts under heavy reverse load-----this is excellant...plenty of power from hv battery all the way to the motor/gen # 2.... code p3030 obviously erronius (bogus, not real)...something is wrong with hv ecu....sense wires?...software/firmware version on ecu not compatable or different versions on hv ecu's/firmware for 2001 prius's ???????You stated also the monitored hv voltage goes to zero volts when the codes are generated.......the only way for the voltageto go to zero volts would be if the main hv relay is being deenergized (by ecu) upon codes p3030 and p3001 being generated....this is not likely... the hv-ecu is reporting falsely zero volts and open or high resistance battery buse...either sense wires are mis-connected, missing, or incompatable message being hv ecu... if your certain sense wires are connected properly... it would seem there must have been some kind of revision ecu boards with different software sending different battery status messages to main system computer...The ecu is obviously receiving commands to energize prechargerelay and main hv relays other wise car would not start or drive in reverse.... oh maybe ecu not transmitting...but multipullhv ecu have been in this car I think?? my guess soft/ware on hv ecu. or different ecu's with slightly different software/firmware (used in 2001 prius) a good question for toyota...and toyota should be informed how much work this software revision has caused an otherwise happy prius owner..If I was a concerned ceo of toyota I would give you a brand newprius for your efforts and your obvious love for the 2001 prius...... plus and appology for the dealer not aware of ecu revisions..Be vary carful disconnecting mg1 and going to ready mode.. I would not do this without looking very closely at the inverteroutput transistors circuitry to see if they can be powered with no-load (mg1 load) this could blow the transistors...In this mode mg1 disconnected the ice cannot start up... but the transistors will try to spin mg1 and fail to do so... reportingother error codes (i would think)...very interesting case... Cant wait to hear more I will stay close to prius chat this time.... sorry for not reading all this after my may posting..
  10. epoch_time

    epoch_time Active Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    las vegas
    2009 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Hello again MWilson... I have more thought on your prius problem.You had ask about acceptable level of ac on hv dc battery.. stating you see 4 volts ac and suspect even more..I can hear through my gen II prius stereo while in aux mp3 mode with mp3 player off that the prius has a significant amount of ac noise while in regenerative braking mode............ the more braking the more alternator like ac noise is heard through my prius stereo..... this suggents that theac noise from mg1 is traveling to battery pack and acrossed dc to dc converter and getting through to the 12 systems...stereo, ecu's and probably everything........Here is what you should do....... Add an additional engine block ground to the car body ( with at least 14 gauge wire.... and an additional ground at 12 battery neg. terminal to body ground...I believe you have significant noise on computer can buss that communicates with bat ecu.. also if the small wires (can buss wires) comming from hv battery are bundled or cable tied to high voltage wires....try to unbundle and seperate smaller can buss wires from hv large wires, for extra noise isolation... if this doesn't do the trick for you start checking can buss shielding....Digrams for gen II show can buss to be shielded with grounded shielding.... overall try to eliminate electrical noise from ecu's, 12 battery supply,and 12v ground.........
  11. epoch_time

    epoch_time Active Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    las vegas
    2009 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Final analysis for mwilson.... CAN buss being loaded down by a certain ecu, gen II diagram shows gateway, skid control, steering control, steering sensor, battery, engine,and dlc3 ecu's all connected in parellel at junction 15 to CAN buss....Each of these ecu's may have to be isolated while observing canl & canH signals with oscillascope to see which ecu is loading down the CAN BUSS... or you might just jump to the more likely dlc3 ecu (diagnostic/smog/code reader port ecu) which probably gets glitched/zapped the most by careless technicians/smog testers............ Should be easy to disconnect dlc3 ecu from Can buss at junction 15.... but better reference gen I manual which could be a different juncion block than gen II....Because battery ecu resides at the most distance location from dash board it will be the first device (ecu) to experiencecommunications loss on loaded-down compomised can buss... I believe battery status messages battery ecu are notbeing received at the hv ecu (hybrid vechicle ecu)....thus system generates error messages.... Noise on can buss could also be a factor in the loss of communication from bat ecu on can buss when mg1 is generating noise (mg1 noise is normal)..the noise may be covering up the data from weaker distant bat ecu..... In my previous post I use hv to indicate high voltage and I called the battery ecu a hv battery ecu (high voltage bat ecu)... This could be easily confusing with hv ecu (hybrid vechicle ecu) which is the heart of the whole system.. sorry for any confusion..Look for loaded or noisy Can buss to be the cause of mwilson's gremlins..One more source of noise could be a shorted cell in 12volt battery causing additional dc to dc converter noise due to more chargecurrent at the bad 12 volt battery....
  12. mwilson

    mwilson Junior Member

    Jun 27, 2011
    Raleigh, NC
    2006 Prius
    It is my understanding that the 2001 prius does not use CAN bus? I believe there are 4 wires coming from battery ecu to hv ecu (DTH+, DTH-, HTD+ HTD-) that are responsible for the communication between the two?

    Either way, the problem only occurs when the HV battery is being charged (I can see on the display the battery bars drop to half when the engine is loaded and charging the hv battery, then the battery bars go back up to full as soon as the engine load and rpm go down as it stops charging the hv battery).

    I have a few hypotheses; please tell me what you think:

    1) Communication problems/noise in the (DTH+, DTH-, HTD+ HTD-) wiring from battery ecu to hv ecu? (I have checked each of these wires for resistance, short to ground, short to +, and short to each other)

    2) Output of the inverter malfunctioning and sending high ripple voltage into the battery thus causing the battery ecu to read the ripple voltage instead of the actual battery pair voltage?

    3) I understand the reference voltage for the battery pair voltages is the output of the DC/DC converter. If so, which wire is this coming out of the converter? The inverter output could be causing interference to this reference voltage and cause the hv battery pair voltages to be read incorrectly when there is inverter output to the hv battery?
  13. epoch_time

    epoch_time Active Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    las vegas
    2009 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    Your probably right on no can buss....I wondering if the 4 wire communications is distributed to other ecu's or hopefully buffered before driving other ecu's...which would isolate loading issues.......Your have good thoughts.....The 12volt reference for the bat ecu is probably comming directly from 12 battery rather than directly from dc/dc converter.....but I would definately start looking at 12 volt battery (If you haven't allready).......I recall your generation prius has a 12 volt to 288 volt inverter that could presumably charge both 12volt and highvoltage batteries with a jump start.......there should be a smaller gauge wire at the 12 volt positive battery terminal to supply voltage to said inverter....later generation prius's use that wire for remote battery sense regulation for dc/dc charge converter.......Your thoughts are all applicable and on track....I will have to think about your information a little more.....right now I'm wondering when the 12 to 288 (I dont know the exact inverter output voltage) volt inverter kicks In or maybe yours is constantly on?????? or shorted pulling hv bat down..........I would like to know the 12 volt battery Idle (overnight) voltages and charge voltages are....Let me put more thought and investigation into this and you can research 12 to 288 volt inverter....functions..as I recall the 12 to hv inverter is fused with 5 amp fuse ......SO it can only trickle charge the hv battery.. ......(hv side probably only puts out .1 amp or less).....
  14. epoch_time

    epoch_time Active Member

    Dec 2, 2009
    las vegas
    2009 Prius
    Re: p3030 Code on 2001 Prius Battery that's been replaced

    The bat ecu are connected dirrectly to hv ecu...I dont any longer believe there are communication problems.....I'm inclined to believe there is some kind of excessive load on hv battery when system is in ready mode.....A current meter needs to be connected between hv battery and system... rember a current meter connects is series....voltage meter connects in parrell....normal hv battery discharge should be 1 amp with all accessories off and gas engine off...and 10 to 20 amps charge (gas engine running) depending on state of charge of hv batt.....if the 12 volt battery is near dead the high voltage current can be up to 3.5 amps while charging 12 volt batt..........Does the gas engine stop after hv battery charges fully?????.....how many bars are displayed.........and how many bars are displayed when gas engine restarts to recharge hv battery...when engine shut off how long does it stay off before it restarts....how long does the engine stay off in neutral??? in drive??? in reverse????I know the inverter was replaced so this is hard to figure out....I dont think you should disconnect mg1 or mg2 and try to bring system to ready mode....This could blow,short inverter output transistors..So a current measurement on hv batt is required.....maybe a knive switch could be acrossed standard 10 amp dc volt ohm meter that could be opened after inital 20 charge current drops below 10 amp....or two 10 amp volt amp meters in parrell for 20 amp measurement capacity.....I have a sears/craftsman ac/dc amp clamp that clips over insulated wire but it isn't that accurate for low currents...it reads + or - .3 amps error... Idont know it the scan guage 3 in 1 code reader can read current and voltage on the gen I prius like is does on the gen II prius.....If so this would be a valuable tool here.... but a directly connected amp meter would be prefeered...