Hi I've recompiled your source as there were a couple of changes I wanted to make. I'm not sure if I should be doing this, feel free to tell me off or how you'd like me to do this, and as far as I can tell you're not using svn.. anyway the version here now runs by just double clicking in windows and without xterm etc. I'm not sure if you still need to install cygwin as all my machines have it on so its hard to tell. changes. The start dialog now allows you to select baud rate gallon uk or us cost per litre (how is petrol charged in america) note this is saved in a very primitive ini file in the same directory as the exe so you may need to be running this with admin rights. and it now displays journey cost, and writes out liters per sec to the cvs log file I've also changed some (well really just 1) of the calculations, but have stuck a ifdef _SDH around these. I also had to make quite a few changesto get it to run properly in windows and have put an a #ifdef _VC_WIN arround those. I know there is already a _VC def, but wanted to make it easier to distinguish what I have done. I have also increased the size of some of your buffers as I was getting issues with overflows. HOWEVER, this was sort of done in a hurry as I don't have much spare time so not all my changes are clearly defined (but a good merge program will help) have fun Steve --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've removed the attachment here as there is a newer version below which should hopefully work properly in windows (please let me know if it works) and also fixes a fuel flow issue I had introduced thanks Steve
just wondering, has anyone tried running this without cygwin installed and if so does it work, or are there some problems. thanks Steve
I've been running around crazy the last couple days and didn't see the original post. Just downloaded it. Reading the README file. One thing jumps out at me: I don't have the OBD/USB connector. Looks like I'm done.
Thanks for letting me know, sounds like it needs some dll's I'll look into it as soon as I have a mo Steve
Wow, is there wormhole from developer forum site to priuschat, or do I need to reduce the dosage? *scratching head* Hmm, I wonder if there is a hack and botnet bait going on here....
I'm using one I picked up on ebay for 10 quid.. regarding the readme, you should be able to ignore the cygwin stuff, but it looks like I need to sort out dll's so maybe best to wait anyway. thanks Steve
Sorry I missed this post until now. The point of Open Source is to allow anyone to modify the code to suit his own needs. So go ahead no problem what so ever. But please do mark the changes clearly with your name or initials, especially if you distribute the code, so other people know who is responsible for what. Thanks very much for taking the initiative! LOL I love your sense of humor.
Update: I just took a quick look of the changes and you have done a lot of nice work! I should have pointed this out earlier: the files Dash.cxx and Dash.h are automatically generated from Dash.fl using the fluid.exe application. So normally we design the GUI in fluid, save as *.fl files and export the code to c files. I will try to update the fl file to reflect the changes in the c files when I get time. I am particularly concerned with the overflow problems you experienced. Did the program crash?
sorry just spotted this but don't really have time to change my upload. anyway here's a slight fix from before. My LPS calculation was flawed (although based on 1 I found somewhere) so I just used your formula which works a lot better even though I can't work out where some of your numbers come from . btw its in a ifdef SDH section. Also I have done a release executable as the previous build was a debug one and I think looking for debug dll's so causing the issue reported, so hopefully this should run in windows for everyone. regarding overflows, I did have a couple of crashes, then when I fixed those it would stop by itself because partialmessage would be -1 and if nothing was read would look like a read error and so terminate polling. thanks for the info about fluid.exe, I'll use that in future. thanks Steve
I have installed the windows version without cygwin and every thing runs fine until I press GO on the main or gauge panels, I then get an error message (error open file "ODO.txt ) but cannot find how to insert this file in the windows version. Can you help. Thanks John.
Try create the file "ODO.txt" (containing the current odometer reading) in the same directory as the PriiDash.exe file. Good luck!
The problem is I cannot find the Priidash.exe file. In the download I only find three files (Lic read text document 19bytes-Priidash configuration settings 25bytes-& Priidash 646KB). I can explore the first two files but only open the Priidash 646KB file witch starts the program.
The 646 kB file is the exe file. You may have the "turn off known extensions" feature turned on so the file extensions don't show.
Thanks for your help on this but I have as you advised turned file extensions on but to no avail, still shows a single file and I can find no way of adding the text file "ODO.txt" with mileage any ideas welcome. I am running Vista.
Once I unpack the zip file I see the priidash.exe file in the priidash_VC_20110927\bin directory. Earlier you said everything ran fine until you hit the "Go" button. How did you start the program? Didn't you double click the exe file? Just add the "ODO.txt" file in the same directory using notepad. Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help, I found that if I added the ODO.txt file to the VC_20110927 file then unpack the file it then worked fine. Off to try it on the car as soon as it stops raining and blowing a gale. John.
sorry I haven't looked here for a while. Its possible you may have a problem when you give it a go, as its loosing a couple of at commands, which I only spotted today, and which didn't effect my earlier 'debug version' as it seems its issuing the next at command too soon. its loosing the commands after ATPPS, the important one being ATL1, which is causing the formatting to mess up. anyway I've added a delay, but haven't had a chance to test it, but I'm uploading it now just in-case you want to try it before I get a chance, however as soon as I get a chance I'll test it properly. thanks Steve
Hi I am trying to get my priusdash going and with the windows version it fails when I hit go. I have set up the directory ...c\OBDlog and am using the prompted c: file names. I'll go ahead and install cygwin and re-try. I need this to work so I can get some info on my questionable 240k hv battery.
Do you see any error messages in the command window? Try to run it again from the command window (not double clicking) if it closes before you can read the messages. Originally the log files are to be put in f: drive, not c: drive. I am not sure if the windows version has changed to c: or not. Good luck!