Years ago in FL I tapped the breaks when someone was tailgating me. They were prob five feet behind me as we were going 50mph in a 40mph zone. It caused them to rage, speed up, pull in front of me agressively and slam on their brakes. Some people are just too unstable to mess with. I've learned since them to just ignore aggressive tailgaters and they eventually pass or fall back. Arrive alive, dudes.
Just get the f -out the way. How hard is it to understand. Some people got to go faster then the cars in front. They dont hate nobody. They need to be there sooner. How soon it not our business. Let them be. I always get out if some one needs to go by me. Please do the same. Only assholes do the blocking or some other stupid things. Get the f-out the way.
nice personuming there is another lane. What if it's one lane each way? And I am doing the speed limit? Think I'm going to pull over just so you can break the law and get somewhere thirty seconds quicker or to the next stop light before me? Ha! I don't think anyone here getting tailgated was "blocking" intentionally. There's rules of the road for both sides. If there is more than one lane and you are NOT passing, get the heck over to the right. On the other hand, if everyone is following the rules and you just want to get there quicker by speeding, you are on your own. I've dealt with the same abuse while commuting by bike. There's two lanes and I have one of them. Instead of moving over to the next lane to pass, people will purposely buzz by real close. One false move and they have a manslaughter charge on their hands. For what? Spite?
I dont give a shit about speed limits and how people choose to drive when there is one. I give a shit about people that want or need to pass me. and i do everything to let them go. one lane or no lane.
I got that wrong on my driver's test. You can be ticketed for driving at a speed that hinders the flow of traffic, e.g., driving 55 MPH in the fast lane and not yielding to fast-moving traffic. Of course it's fine to drive at the speed limit, but on a multi-lane road, don't take up the fast lane at low speed just because it improves your hypermiling. Not that I haven't been guilty of ticking off some fast drivers with my slow-moving Prius :-}
That's a lot of shit. You might want to have that looked at. Bottom line is you can pass all you want or move over and let others pass. No one said otherwise. But regardless of any of that or your own little tirade about shit, tailgating is stupid and dangerous and doesn't do any good. It just pisses people off. If you just come up behind me and start to pass, I'll move over a little, maybe even slow down a little, and let you be on your merry little way. But if you start tailgating me, I'm not gonna give a hoot and will just ignore you or even slow down until you finally decide to putter passed me.
I'm always in the right lane. On the highway, many of the people that tailgate me are jabbering on their cell phones, or worse yet texting. I don't think it's intentional, they just aren't paying attention and/or are on cruise control. Sometimes they'll drop back a bit, reset their cruise, and just roll along with me. I just ignore them. More annoying are the ones that try to use the right lane as a passing lane and come flying down it. I just ignore them too. Even more annoying are the few that barely change out of my lane to pass, or even leave their right wheels in my lane, just to show me how superior they are. I just figure that every day I will meet a small number of assholes, and I put them on that list. On two-lane local roads, I usually drive at the PSL and sometimes collect a tailgater. I'll make a special effort not to drop below the PSL unless they ignore a clear passing zone. Then I just ignore them, figuring either they are too distracted or such a poor driver they don't know how to pass. Hobbit has made a "yuppie button" mod that turns on ALL the rear lights on his Prius. That could be handy occasionally.
i took the test 40 years ago, so i perhaps have forgotten or missed it. can you cite it in the massachusetts driving regulations for me? and does this mean you cannot be ticketed for speeding as long as you are going the same speed as the car in front of you?
Here is a link to Hobbit's page for the Yuppie Button I can't belive he needs the YB with all of that reflective tape!:rockon:
I'd pay to have such a button added to my car, Since my car doesn't have GPS package there are probably plenty of spare button positions available on the MFD or steering wheel. Heck I could even give up one of the existing functions on the wheel like say the AC Auto/ON/OFF button could become my new "yuppie button". But I'm find with the floor mount option. The "dead pedal" is a fine place for a new button.
When visiting this region, be sure to check your hostile attitude at the border, before you hurt someone else or get tagged as an aggressive driver.
Tell you what you do, in CA the signs on the road say report drunk drivers call 911 so when someone drives like that, that is what i do. i know a lot of people who do the same as me.
ONLY one in twenty? Wow. Bet the number is a little higher here, which is probably why the drivers are a little more polite towards each other.
Wow. I know this thread is old... but I haven't checked my notification e-mail address in 5,287 years so I didn't see the notice until today. Anyway... This has got to be the biggest load of crap I have ever seen in the universe. If I am driving on a two or three lane road, in the fast lane, already going 10 MPH over the speed limit, what the hell right does some idiot have to "make me get out of the way?" That is ludicrous. How soon someone needs to be somewhere becomes my business when they are endangering the lives of me and my passengers so that they can get to the red light both of us will be sitting at 15 seconds faster. On the contrary, they don't "need" to go faster than the cars in front of them. They have a choice, it's not like they are slaves to their foot. In addition, nobody "needs" to go more than 10 MPH faster than the speed limit, and if they must, it is definitely not the other drivers responsibility to oblige their insanity. Furthermore, I'd say 75% of speed freaks have road rage and therefore hate anyone that gets "in their way." You can't have it both ways; how late (or early for that matter) someone is when driving is not the concern of other drivers. Under that logic, people shouldn't cross the street because it slows them down... or change lanes... or get in traffic accidents... or anything else that could possibly get in their way. They have to share the road just as much as the rest of us. Moreover, the door swings both ways. If you're going 25 MPH in the fast lane on a freeway... get the $@^! out of the way. You are also contributing to the problem.
In Massachusetts, you can file a complaint with the RMV. If you have video evidence will be a plus and so note this in your complaint. If you are granted a hearing after the case is reviewed it will be well worth the effort..
People camping out in the left lane have a role in a lot of problems for ALL the other lanes. The other component, as you point out, is the faster speeders. I see it all the time from my perch in the far right lane. Technically the left lane is the "passing lane", not the "fast" lane. I believe the law in many states is that you must move right if someone is coming up behind you, even if you are already speeding yourself (if you are concerned with safety, why are you speeding??). Back when I used to speed, I always moved over for someone going even faster on the theory that they would get pulled over rather than me. This worked for me on numerous occasions. For example, about 6 years ago in my pre-mpg days I was doing 82 in a 55 (I don't do this any more!!). I moved into the middle lane for an SUV going just a few mph faster. Just then we came upon a couple of laser troopers parked ahead and they nailed him plus a guy who was speeding down the right lane. Moving over is also the safe thing to do: get the idiots in front of you where they can't crash into you.