I would really like to be able to incorporate the OGS Intelligence Position Switch into my Generation 2 Prius. I know that the switch is designed for Gen. 3 only. However, I can't help but think that the wiring would probably be the same in both Gen's. 2 & 3, as the OEM Joy Stick Controls seem to be identical on both, just in different locations. If this is true, I wonder if a little retooling on the Gen. 2 could make the switch fit & work properly. Anyone tried it, or thinking of doing so? OGS IPS on Gen. 3
I have decided to take Steve up on the offer, and ordered the switch from Japan. If we can successfully get this to work & fit into my Gen 2, I may end up with a one of a kind Prius. Pretty Exciting!
I got the switch. Now, can we make it work? Unfortunately, it is really big to try to squeeze it into the Joy Stick space on the Gen 2. Looks to me like it will fit, just clearing the Park Button. It would make the small storage compartment to the right of the present shifter unusable. Fortunately, the back of the switch looks like it would just fit into the present shifter cavity. I think it can be done, but won't look nearly as good as it does on the Gen 3. After all, it was designed for the 3. I don't want it looking to amateur. Will do some experimenting and report back if successful.
Mike, I farmed this project out to Steve, (Iamwoody36), as I don't have the knowledge or skills to do it myself. He has informed me that he is sending the switch back to me, and was not successful. However, I get the impression that he just didn't have time to pursue it. So, I am hoping that I will get another volunteer who thinks he can make it work, someone who is very familiar with the electronics involved in the Joy Stick Controllers. If it can't be made to work on my Gen 2, I will hang on to it till I trade up to a Gen 3. For the Gen 3 this thing is a piece of cake to install. Just plug it into the connector from the original Joy Stick. It doesn't seem to me like the wiring would be that different between the Gen 2 & 3 Joy Sticks. But, maybe it is ??? Patrick