ok seems to work fine thanks... once I spotted that I'd named the OBDLog folder ODBLog by mistake also so far just a couple of short journeys, but will let you know if I sport any problems later. the 12v value always seems to be 0, is that a problem my end, or something that isn't working yet? also is there a description of all the values somewhere. thanks Steve
No it should not lock up like that. It should show all the windows and wait for the "Go" button to be clicked. It does not try to talk to the car until the "Go" button is clicked. If the OBD-USB adapter is not connected and the "Go" button clicked then the program gives an error message in the shell ("command window") and goes back to waiting mode. Try Quit and restart Xwin Server and start over again.
Glad you got it to work! Congrats! The 12V value shouldn't be 0. Are other values showing correctly? I need to come up with a list of descriptions. In the mean time if there are some specific values of interest please post and we can answer here. Drive carefully, keep your eyes on the road at all times and have fun!
All the other values seem correct.. well the ones I can decipher the 12v value is zero both on the display and in the log file I have attached the log file and associated txt file just in-case you want a look. (and discovered that you need to use zips and not rars) could it be to do with the 115200 'Test only' version I am running, also not all the values are lined up correctly on the display. and at present I'm just using it for logging or looking at the display whilst stationary, or letting my passenger have a look.. just out of interest how did you ballance the net-book on your dash? thanks again Steve
I have noticed that the txt log keeps saying BUFFER FULL so maybe it can't read all the data a 115200 I can set my device up to 500000 (8), but it refuses to be set to anything higher, and this seems to be quite common (although I seem to have lost the link). thanks Steve
I haven't looked at the log yet but if it keeps saying "buffer full" then 115200 bps may be too slow. I will upload a 500K bps version soon. Update: go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/priidash/ to download latest version that includes a 500K bps binary. Give it a try and let us know. Thanks! rar is OK for me too. I usually use zip since that's most people familiar with. The netbook attachment to the dash is really a kluge cobbled together with velcro, foam, polycarbonate sheet, and this http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000BQMW6I for repeatedly taking the netbook on and off the dash. I need to do a more permanent installation but haven't figured out how yet.
Thanks, the buffer fulls have mostly gone, there is an occasional one, with one or 2 other errors so I've attached a log for you to look at. This was just in ready mode for a couple of minutes, ice started up for a bit then switched off. 12v is now showing a value and a number of other things to do with the hv battery which were logged as zero now have values so looks like it was just related to the buffer. ok another question, what screen resolution does this want. I finally managed to get my netbook to go from 800x600 to 1024x600 (driver needed updating) and it gets a little clipped at the bottom. how about this.. seems a bit scary though Universal 7 to 13-inch Netbook Car Mount Review | Netbook Choice thanks Steve
Looking in the txt log file I see many "CAN ERROR"s in the beginning and then all of a sudden it started to work normally. Did you click the "Go" button before turning on the car? If so then it's OK but in the future it may be better to turn on the car first. In the csv file it looks like you got all the values except the CAT temperatures. Looking back in the txt file I see your car responds differently from mine to the queries. Maybe there are different versions of firmware between our cars? My netbook is 1024x600. It does look like the window border got clipped a tiny little bit at the bottom but all the contents are there. If it still a concern please take a screen shot and post. Holding the laptop with a suction cup on the windshield does look scary. Here are some pictures of my current setup: Netbook attached: Netbook removed: Back of net book: What the dash looks like after many iterations of mounting configurations:
Yes, I probably will turn the car on 1st in future, I was just curious to catch the whole car startup, so yes probably best to ignore the beginning part. possibly, I'm in the uk so I have a European version. 2008 TSpirit. No not really a concern, just curious. Thats what I though, thanks for all your pictures, interesting, although I'm not sure I'd be allowed to stick that stuff on my dash here's a rather scary video of someone using one (or something similar). Not so much scay about the mount, but the fact that she's demoing it while driving.
Just wondering, Is there a way to work out at what rate the Ice is consuming petrol even when its in park? thanks Steve
I am in touch with someone in France who will do a test. Stay tuned. Thanks for the link! I was wondering about the side pads and as she said they would block the USB and vent holes on the ASUS netbook I am using. At the bottom of the window there is a numeric gauge "gal" that shows the (US) gallon of fuel consumed. In this picture it says "0.141": Of course you get the average and instantaneous (US) MPG at the upper right (showing 66.1 and 21.2 in the pictures above).
thanks will do sorry, I meant in the csv log, I can see mpg, but thats only really if I'm moving. I'm just trying to work out if I could calculate the total fuel used in a journey accounting for the ice warm up etc thanks again Steve
To get total fuel used in a trip from the csv file you can do this: Go to the bottom of the csv file and look up avgMPG and min and max ODO, then do this simple math: total fuel used = (maxODO - minODO)/avgMPG The only case this won't work is if the car did not move at all during the "trip". In this case please use the on screen display as mentioned earlier.
What are the logging capabilities of this? I had the previous effort installed on windows XP and noticed it looked like it logged at a 5HZ rate, but there was nothing beyond 1s intervals recorded in the time stamp so it wasn't clear what the timing of the recorded data points actually were. I am debating whether to install this to overwrite the Can Monitor program or not. It isn't clear what this does better from reading the features post here, however when I looked into more threads it seems this offers a lot more options. I just don't know how the data logging compares. I am using this in a hymotion conversion as well, the prior version seemed to work though.
Not sure what your "previous version" is. PriiDash saves two files in each session: 1) xxxxxxx.csv records all data in 1 second intervals. 2) xxxxxxx.txt records all raw data to be extracted later at higher or lower time intervals if needed. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Hi 2009 (I got boost from the libs directory v. the lib directory.) When running priidash 20110911/ 2m, 115200, etc The error msg I get is "Error loading shared libraries: cygboost_thread-net-1_43.dll (?):cannot open desired object file: no such file or directory." My handwriting isn't the best but I think this is what I wrote. Priidash_vc_20111021 runs in simulation but in normal I get no readings the final message is: setting com state! * Both programs are running with 2M baud set and F:\OBDlog It seems like I may need to troubleshoot my cygwin installation. John
Was this the cygwin version that gave the error? Did you re-compile from source? This looks as if the cygwin version is looking for a windows version dll. I am puzzled. This looks like the windows version, right? Could you try running the cygwin version without recompiling? You need to start XWin Server and run it from the XTerm window.
Sorry I need more details. Could you describe step by step what you did after the reboot? I still don't know whether you are running the windows or the cygwin version.
OK I ran xterm from cygwinx/xwinserver on the start menu. Then I navigated in the window to the downloads/priidash20110911/priidash/bin and launched priidash2m. (This is the precompiled file right?). .. the error message then was returned. end. Thanks,