The check engine light came on yesterday. 2004 with 115K. Auto Zone read the codes and they are as follows: Definition: Idle Air Control Valve control circuit. Probable Cause: Open or short circuit condition. Poor Electrical Connection Failed IAC motor Any idea where the idle air control valve is located under the hood? I'd like to check for loose or open connections. The right rear brake light is also intermittent, but I don't think the two are related. All suggestions are welcome. Lou
Prii don't have IACV -- thank God. More likely that you have a vacuum leak, a throttle plate stuck open partially, poorly connected PCV hose, or MAF sensor problem. Suggested step: 1. Buy a can of MAF cleaner at same parts store and clean the MAF sensor. 2. Battery negative disconnect for 5 minutes. 3. If no joy, proceed to cleaning throttle body, buy can of throttle body cleaner at same parts store. 4. Battery negative disconnect for 5 minutes. 5. If no joy, replace PCV valve and hose. 6. Battery negative disconnect for 5 minutes. 7. If no joy, take to dealer.
Thanks, not to good with abbreviations, will look them up. Where is the MAF sensor located. I am assuming that the throttle body is accessible under the air filter, PVC valve should be easy to find. Thanks again Lou
Friend Sielerts knows of what he speaks. Here is a link to a diagnostic PDF: JeffD
Thanks, I'll give that a try. Is there a fuse I can pull that will reset the code, instead of pulling the cable on the battery? Lou
Step one complete Some JOY... Will know after driving a while. I found that you can reset then DTC by pulling two fuses. Info is here:丰田普瑞斯原厂英文手册PDF格式/Repair Manual/04pruisr/05/2054m/cidtcche.pdf Will update as time passes. Thanks, Lou
Just so you know, some emission codes don't cause the light to come on until two "trips" have been completed. So you may find it lighting up in a day or two.