2009 Prius w/ 29,750 mi [Maint Req Light came on at ~28,000 mi] SW Florida I am getting a Master Warning Light (triangle), a Hybrid System Warning icon, a VSC light, a (red) Brake Warning icon and a Check Engine icon. When the car starts, the A/C is fine but quickly loses cooling output especially with full throttle. regardless of manual or auto setting. Throttle feels a bit spongy and slightly unresponsive. 4 blue bars on charge and everything else appears OK. Outside of the need for a visit to Toyota :rant:, any suggestions or comments? TIA
First thing you want to check is the 12v battery. Insure that it is putting out 12v to 12.6 volts. If lower, then that is probably the problem! Your 12 volt will need to be charged or replaced. Hal
When the Prius is READY, look at the inverter coolant reservoir. Do you see fluid turbulence which shows the inverter coolant pump is running? If no, then a failed inverter coolant pump is your car's problem.
I think it is time for you to schedule a dealer visit; whatever problem the car has should be covered under warranty.
Hal, going to have to back off on my prior response that all is well. My volt meter may be on the fritz.
Yeah, Patrick, I've come to the same conclusion. Oh, well, it's a great car with this one problem to date.
Poosey , it is best to let the car sit over night ,then check before starting. There is a way you can check your voltage on the display panel. Do a search, Hal
Hal, I found the thread here. Thanks again! :rockon: http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/73400-weird-stuff-happening-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html
Returned from dealer...inverter coolant pump needed replacing......learned a lesson. When looking at the flow at the reservoir, make sure you see real bubbles and not car vibrating the fluid. :embarassed: I had looked at this video TeacherTube Videos - Prius inverter turbulence and took from that a wrong impression. Warranty covered the fix. Thanks again to everyone! :rockon:
Yes you have to look for coolant flow[Movement] Good exercise anyway! You learned something. I was going to mention this issue [pump] next after you checked the 12V.Take care, Hal
Another reason to check the inverter coolant pump in IG-ON mode (not READY) so that the engine would not be running and car would be nice and quiet and easy to hear the pump running and see the fluid moving in the reservoir.
It's a cooling issue, so it all depends on how it is driven and temperature. A short trip to the dealer on a cool day is fine. Going through the mountains is not. Tom