FAQs | Troubleshoot - Need help? Ask questions here. [FONT="] (Visit the main thread and project home page if you haven't.) [/FONT] List of gauges and description. Does it work with gen 3? Short answer: getting close. Long answer here. How to set baud rate of OBD device? XWin Server does not start? Segmentation fault? Bad Address?
I installed Cygwin with the components specified. When I started the Xwin Server, nothing appears, no error. I can run Cygwin Bash Shell. Any idea why the Xwin Server didn't run for me? I have Windows XP.
XWin Server does not start? That's strange. I have an XP laptop and it runs OK. Usually it will open up an X-window on the desktop and also start a tray icon in the lower right corner of the task bar where the clock is (I forgot the official name of that area). Sometimes it does not open up the X-window, but the tray icon has always been showing up for me. In that case I could right click the tray icon - Applications - xterm to open an X-window or I could right click the tray icon - Exit... to quit and restart the whole thing from the Start menu. First, make sure the cygwin has been installed with the components listed here or here. The setup program will select additional dependent components. Keep those selected as well. Could you take a look in the tray icon area to see if the tray icon is there? in the task manager to see if XWin.exe and/or xterm.exe is running? If so then quit and/or terminate them and try starting from the Start menu again. For XP you could also download and install "Process Explorer" from Microsoft (part of "power toys") which may give more system diagnostic info. Update: I googled and found some possible solutions: Cygwin/X Frequently Asked Questions
Does it work with gen 3? Old info: Sorry the software is written for gen 2 so if you run it with gen 3 then all of the "interesting" gauges such as HV current and inverter temps won't work - only standard "uninteresting" OBD queries would and there are very few of them implemented. Toyota has changed the CAN messaging between gen 2 and gen 3, plus I have no access to gen 3 car, so I won't be able to help, at least not in the near future. Hopefully someone with the time and knowledge will modify the code and make a version for gen 3. Update: The program has been re-written in 2012 to move all PID stuff outside to two text files command.txt and formula.txt. Now it can work with any car with OBD2 support - as long as the user knows what to put in the two text files.
Ok, I got it to run. Initially, I did not include the Default selections because I thought I only need to install the components you listed. I re-installed it by keeping the Default selections and included additional components. That did it.
I hit the GO button and the program started. The clock started to tick but no information was populated (other than MPG showing 999.99). After awhile, the program stopped with "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" message in xterm. This is the content in the priidash.exe.stackdump file: PHP: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=6D2628A5eax=1933CD18 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000034 edx=1933CD18 esi=1933C398 edi=1933CD18ebp=1932BC98 esp=1932BC80 program=C:\priidash\bin\priidash.exe, pid 2124, thread unknown (0xF7C)cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023Stack trace:Frame Function Args1932BC98 6D2628A5 (00000000, 1933CD18, 00000013, 1933CD18)1932BCB8 6D262A48 (00000000, 1933CD18, 00000013, 4E08BE08)1932BCD8 6D262A9B (00000000, 1933CD18, 004B0364, 0041A990)1933CD48 00403202 (004FC318, 004FC318, 00000000, 00000000)1933CD78 63CC1BF7 (004FC318, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)1933CDB8 610E7455 (004E8B80, 1933CDF4, 610E73A0, 004E8B80)End of stack trace I was so close. Maybe OBDLink SX does not function exactly the same as the original OBDLink? I have confirmed my OBDLink SX works by using the supplied OBDWiz software.
Segmentation fault? Was there any other error message showing in the X window where PriiDash was running from? If so please post. Did you set up the port number, directories and files as outlined here or here? Could you zip and attach the log file "f:\OBDLog\logyyyymmdd_hhmmss.txt" which should have been generated? It's also a good idea to use a cmd.exe window to do a "chkdsk f:" after a segmentation fault. Just to be safe.
Yup, I made it COM7, created ODO.txt and the OBDLog folder was created on my F drive. I am attaching two .txt files. The bigger one was the one that caused the segmentation fault. In the instruction, you said "Connect the hardware and set the baud rate to 2M bps." Where do I do that? The property of the com port advanced setting only goes up to just under 1 Mbps. BTW, windows chkdsk found no issue with my F:.
How to set baud rate of OBD device? Yes if the baud rate is not right then the program can not communicate with the OBD device as is in your case (shown in the log files). To set the baud rate: Use any terminal program to connect to the virtual serial port. For example I use "STN term" which can be downloaded from here. Talk to the OBD device using its current baud rate. To set the baud rate to 2M bps, issue the following commands and make sure each one comes back with an "OK": These set the frequency divider to 2 (base frequency is 4M) and turn it on. (Some inferior OBD devices may not be able to be set to 2M baud rate. In this case set the divider to 4 or 8 to set the baud rate to 1M or 500K.) Now reset the device by issuing Now the connection should be lost since the baud rate is changed. Change the terminal program's baud rate to 2M to re-establish connection. Issue to see that the value 0C is set to 02 and turned on. Now you can quit the terminal program and run PriiDash(TM). Hope this helps.
Re: Does it work with gen 3? C/C++ Shouldn't be too big a challenge since the structure of the program doesn't need to change. It's just a matter of replacing the gen 2 CAN messages with gen 3 ones. Just tedious bookkeeping stuff if you know what the correct gen 3 CAN messages are (I don't and that's the only "challenging" part).
Re: How to set baud rate of OBD device? I plugged in OBDLink SX to my netbook (disconnected to Prius) and I used the STN Term to set it to 2Mbps. Initially, the commands were not returning OK. I had to change the dropdown box to 115200 Baud Rate (hardware default?) then my commands came back OK. There is a typo in the second command, if you want to fix your post. It should be zero C like this: "ATPP 0C ON" After setting that, ATZ would not return to the prompt. I had to change the Baud Rate dropdown box to 2000000. ATPPS command returns with below. I think I am set. Crossing fingers.
very interesting and nice tool MANY THANKS Can I use bluetooth ELM with it, or I need to buy USB version?
I have one bluetooth ELM clone from ebay. It is not capable of CAN bus to read hybrid specific data so I recommend you avoid it.
any chance of having a version that can run at 500k bps as that seems to be the highest I can set my elm327 interface to. probably find there will be other reasons it wont work, but thats my fault for buying a cheap adapter off of ebay. thanks Steve
Try the 115200 bps version posted here: http://priuschat.com/forums/priidas...-bug-report-share-your-ideas.html#post1379238 and let us know if it works for you or not. Good luck!
thanks, I'll try it in the morning. btw what should happen if I try to run it without the adapter being plugged into the car, at present it just locks up before getting to the about window, is that just because it wants to communicate with the car 1st? thanks Steve