Discovered an oil leak. Probably has been leaking for some time now. Can anyone tell me where it may be coming from based upon the pics? Tks. Thanks.
Could be the seal on the drive shaft or maybe the rubber boot has cracked and grease is leaking out. Check oil levels engine and transmission. Does not look like much of a leak! Is it showing where you park. Hal
The driver's side axle seal is leak-prone. It is a known issue. Looks like you've got it. Don't delay in getting it fixed, since the transaxle is the most expensive component to get fixed. Luscious has a nice write-up on it: Luscious Garage | Blog | Prius Axle Seal Leak
Thanks for the replies. It is definitely motor oil and not transaxle fluid. I changed the transaxle fluid at the time I took these pics. When I opened the fill valve at the transaxle it dripped out, so I know it was completley full. The oil leak has been going on for some time. In fact, oil has been fanning backward splattering the slow leak. I have to add 1/2 quart of oil every 2500 miles or so to keep it up on the stick. I don't see any oil dripping from too above the pics taken. I have looked and looked, and simply can't figure it out the source. Make sense?
The transaxle may have a very slow leak becuase I did notice some red tinged fluid just to the rear of the drain valve. But it is MINIMAL compared to the motor oil leak. I will check the axle seal, but Need help finding the motor oil leak.
The oil drops look like engine oil although the location of the leak would cause one to think first of an axleshaft seal leak. If you wish to determine the source of the leak, I suggest you use engine degreaser spray to thoroughly clean all surfaces and hose off with water. Starting with a clean transaxle and engine, you might have some chance to see where the leak is originating. Good luck.
I just discovered I have the same leak on my 2005 prius based on your pictures. Did you ever figure out what where your leak was??? Thanks! Noah