I finally signed up for google+ and have about 150 invites to give out. [edit] Just use this link for your invite! [/edit] https://plus.google.com/i/KBkwSepyeJs:QTLY1wt11Ss Personally I never used myspace or facebook mostly because of privacy reasons and because I have my own domain name and website. I've never really seen the need to use any of them. I've been playing around with G+ and it looks pretty cool and has privacy features. I may actually start using it. Even if I don't use it I might as well give some invites to people that would.
I see a lot of page views for this topic but not a lot of takers. Maybe you just did not want to give me your email address. So I will make my invites public. Lets see how fast they go. Enjoy! https://plus.google.com/i/KBkwSepyeJs:QTLY1wt11Ss
I have another 150 as well. Google+ is like Facebook, but for adults. https://plus.google.com/100653633407866875572
That's because only the Cool Kids are on it now. Wait until it's as popular as Facebook, then you'll see all of the above (except the games, which are already there).
This will quietly consume Facebook's market share ... just like when Gmail came out and dominated. These invites are a great marketing technique because it makes it seem like an insider thing. Better get your account set up now before they run out ... as if the supply were truly limited.