Really? I hadn't seen them. Are they still up? I had only seen this video a bit after the event itself at Concur, it was a great time! (Too bad I apparently I didn't go to wherever some folks got lap dances...)
Posts the other videos if you find them. D on'tworry cwerdna. I missed out too. I went looking for everyone and couldn't find them. Not one had my number either so I ended taking pics of the giant bathtub and texting girls. lol
I can be seen in the video a few times. I also still have the ftp dump site PCD members used to dump their pictures and videos. Its no longer accessible but I can either make it available again to PCD members or I can make it all public. :madgrin:
How you didn't think of looking in the bar, I'll never know., that's not likely to be a popular move. Well, among some people, anyway.
Here are my photos from the the video, I was the one shooting photos of the underside of the car, brown shirt. [ame=""]Prius Connection Detroit - a set on Flickr[/ame]
Nice photo's. With so many good shots ... how'd you manage to miss doc willie in his star trek uniform?!? I do remember him wearing it at least one day. .
Here is a photo of John and I. It was taken before the "Prius Genius" game to win a t-shirt. Of course I didn't win because the competition was too fierce! I just got one question wrong because I pressed the wrong button. Oh, the good times.
So, that was you! Rae Vynn didn't win because she was buzzed while competing. I still remember what she said to this day, "When I am drunk, I suck".
There were about 45 PriusChatters who attended and appear in the video in one way or another (e.g., in the group photo portion of the video). I could name everyone. However, because some PriusChatters had said that they didn't want to be publicly identified, I won't.
Hill - Pause the video at the 19 second mark -- your mug is there and unobstructed (unless that was Matthew Modine). But you're right, only 1 second of glory for you.