its perceptions like this between both owners and non-owners that really clears up a lot of questions on various product roll-outs. the Leaf will soon come to North Carolina and it seems like its only chance for acceptance is to roll in on a wave of glowing user experiences. in that climate, no advertising campaign would be effective enough. we have to have EV'ers reading about the West Coast's personal experiences first. its funny, because EV'ers in the area think that NC is very pro EV but in reality; they think that because of recent news and changes in legislation concerning the technology not realizing those changes came here over a decade ago. The Prius is a top 10 seller and if there is still lingering doubts about it, i am worried that the Leaf and other EVs still have a long way to go
yep that be me!! and i am PROUD OF IT!! except one thing. because i got an EV (not the Leaf, the Zenn) i basically gave up 40% of my income to work locally. i also had a Son in my late 40's (starting over) which also played a big part in working locally, but in exchange, i am home a lot more, work 4 days a week and my WEEKLY commute time is less than many people's daily commute. so call me wacko!! which is actually much preferred over some of the things i have been called when seen driving the speed limit (something considered outlandish around here!!)
The 'you need to get out of NC' remarks are childish and off base. I have had a Prius in nC since '08 and I have yet to hear assinine comments about it, but strangers do still come up to me and ask if the MPG are really as good as they have heard, and by the time I am done raving they are ready to go shopping.
I hate stereo type people. Prius can be looks nice and Prius is best sold vehicle in Japan. Link to Minpri Type ZVW30 car club GTG picks which I joined ã€Âã¿んカラ】 第ï¼â€Ã¥â€ºÅ¾Ã£Â¿ã‚“プリ全国オフã‚りãÂ΋¨ã†ãÂâ€Ã£Â–ã„ã¾ã—ãŸ。|ALLJAPAN'ZVW30PRIUS'OWNERSCLUB ã€Âã¿んプリ】ã®代表ã²ã‚Â兄555ã§ã™。|ブãƒÂグ|ã²ã‚Â兄555 - 車・自動車SNS(ブãƒÂグ・パãƒ
I don't know about ashamed, but when I drive my white Prius I can't help thinking of the cars of the future in the Woody Allen movie "Sleeper".
Woah, bring them to Australia... I will be lining up as well!! Surprised to see this thread still active. IMO, you can't possibly in a worst place driving a Prius than Melbourne. A lot of topgear watching (esp Gen Y, I know because I am one) people who love to bag the Prius here. But who cares what they think... they are the one having a problem. As for me, I am saving $$$ in fuels and a car that I can depend on! Also, those so-called knowledeable media clowns compared the Prius with a M3?? What on earth are they smoking? Prius is designed to be fuel and aero drag efficient, comparing it to a performance car is like buying a Yaris and complained that it doesn't drive like a Ferarri... I'd say bring on the Prius S, then those clowns have a performance based Prius to compare against!
I don´t agree with conclusions made in that TopGear comparing Prius to BMW. They concluded that BMW had better fuel consumption on their test track. But it was not a real world operation. But one thing was positive, you can achieve good (not excelent) consumption changing your driving style on any car. iPhone ? Zdenok
Let's see, draining a car battery to 40% and start a trip longer that the SOC indicator, Brilliant! TopGear was not even smart enough to suspect that Nissan is monitoring the car. That reminds me of James Sikes' stunt and lady who crashed a Prius the following day. They did not know there was a black box monitoring system in the Prius.
Perhaps being a bit precious - just smile if they crtique what they don't understand) Love driving our Prius - and we also own a 4WD monster truck (towers over Landcruisers), a BMW 635csi and a Renault RX4.
When I first got my Prius, my co-workers/friend said: "Finally, someone has balls big enough to buy a prius!!". And they ALL wanted to check it out and most of them were amazed by all of the tech it has and how quite it is, not to mention the 4.7lt/100km on the screen!! Be proud of your Prius, I know I am...
I have a 2003 Civic and I'm planning on buying a Prius in the next few weeks. I am a little concerned about aggressive drivers. I already have to deal with them in my Civic, cutting me off etc. It gets me very angry. I certainly hope certain other drivers don't look upon the Prius with disdain and think they can take advantage of the Prius.
I agree, everyone in the Silicon Valley has a Prius as their dd, on the weekends they drive their "weekend" cars. I went to see Kathy Griffin a few years ago and she even said Wth up with all the Prius's and Limo's in everyone drive way "feeling too guilty about making too much money" it was great! The main reason people get Hybrids around here is to get in the Car Pool lane.
Just to save everyone a meet and greet with CHP ( California Highway Patrol). Unless you have a passenger in your Prius. You can't use the carpool lane anymore. The yellow sticker on your Prius is no longer valid. They're using a white sticker now for electric cars, so unless you drive a Nissan leaf or a chevy volt you won't be able to use the carpool lane when you're driving solo. Maybe when the 2012 Prius rolls out, just maybe... It might be eligible for the shite sticker.
I am a hybrid convert. I used to be one of those mis-informed people until I purchased my first hybrid. It was a 2010 Honda Insight (I no longer have it). I traded it in and purchased a 2010 Prius. I have to say that all of my co-workers and all of my friends love my car. Now don't get me wrong, I get some good natured ribbing about my 0-100 km/h time. But heck even I laugh at it. It isn't because the car is really slow. It is mostly my driving style. I don't feel the need to speed nor do I feel like going bankrupt trying to keep my car filled. As far as I am concerned, if someone wants to ridicule me for my choice of car then let them. I only fill my car once a month. I am paying about $40.00 to fill my car and others are spending 4 and 5 times that on their guzzlers. Am I acting smug about my car? Why certainly I am. Like others have said on here. I am the one making the car payments. I could careless what someone who isn't paying for my car thinks. Just enjoy your car. Enjoy the gas savings and try your best to educate those who are really interested in learning the facts about your beloved Prius. :cheer2: :rockon:
...'s effect on people's intelligence in traffic? It does seem to invite the tailgaters, the fighter-jet-pass performers who decide that passing you at 90mph and within 2 inches of hitting you is acceptable behavior, and the people who decide that since your driving a Prius - it *must* mean your going slow, so they will pass you, then get in front and slam on the brakes to 'punish' you. Yeah, get those people. I'd like to think they are just compensating for something lacking in their personal lives... Love my car, though - not ashamed of it; though have had a few people tell me chicks will NOT dig a 'grocery getter' and that I must like being single, because my car won't change that one bit.