Hey everyone, I have been watching these forums, Truecar.com, and Cars.com like a hawk these last few months in hope to own a Toyota Prius. I am confronted with a pretty crappy position right now, as my Toyota Camry is about to hit 170K miles and looks like it may need a transmission rebuild. I have scoured ebay, craigslist, and the sites listed above, but have only found new Prii II at $24,500 or higher. Recently I came across a private seller, who is ready to sell their 2010 model II, for under $20K. It has an extended warranty, platinum protection plan and looks pretty much brand new with 18,000 miles. I feel that prices here on the East Coast will not come down to near those experienced by our West Coast friends. This is further exacerbated by the delay of new models past the fall. If you were in my position, would you buy a new 2011 model II for $24,500 (+ tax) or buy a lightly used 2010 model II for $19,500? We are looking to finalize a deal this weekend....hoping to take advantage of the busy dealerships on Labor day. Please let me know your thoughts.
Personally, with warranty included, I'd be included to take the gently used version. Your MPG will be better out the door since the car will be (hopefully properly) broken in. You get to skip the "new car depreciation". Do you feel $19.5k is a fair price for the condition of the car?
I'd probably go with the 2010 if the warranty is included and the transfer paperwork is accomplished at the time of sale. The warrenty alone would be $1K or more on the new one depending on where you purchased, and 18K miles in a year is not too far off norm, especially if you don't normally put more than 12K a year on a vehicle anyway. Offer $18K and negotiate from there, you never know what motivates some folks!
I have inspected the condition of the vehicle only from a couple of pictures and am still waiting on a carfax. From what I can see and read, $20,000 is pretty good for that small amount of mileage. Stealerships around here are trying to charge me $23,000 for a 2010 model II with more than 40,000 miles!
Yeah, assuming all is clear in the carfax and a physical inspection passes, I would go with the used in this case. Good luck.
I just got a new 2011 for 23,000 but I would have gone with that 2010 used deal. I was trying to find something like that but I had to trade in my old car. I'd go with used on this- especially with the extended warranty
Talk personally with the owner of the 2010 model. Get in the car, take a look at the interior, operate all systems, take a drive around the block then buy it. Price sounds reasonable if he'll deal even better. Good luck in your decision.
Still waiting on the Carfax? That's pretty big. You definitely want to make sure the 2010 wasn't involved in an accident. Do what you want, but I'm always a little paranoid when someone gives up on an automobile in less than a year and with less than 20,000 miles on it. If the original owner originally purchased a platinum warranty, then that means the original owner had planned to keep the vehicle a long time, and now something has changed. I don't know, used cars can be good deals. This might be a good deal. But if all things are equal and I can afford it? Sometimes it's really nice to be the original owner of a vehicle and know the history of the vehicle from the very start. I would definitely wait for the carfax.
FWIW, don't put too much faith in Carfax. I helped a friend sell a car a few years ago, and the Carfax we ran on it (as part of the autrader.com posting process) showed no issues, even though it had been in an accident (that was reported to police & insurance). I have an aversion for used cars, but if you're seriously considering it, I'd recommend taking it to a Toyota dealer for a pre-purchase inspection to see what they find.
Pay for and run your own carfax and autocheck. Make sure you personally copy the vin from the dash. Don't let those reports substitute for an inspection by a qualified mechanic. I opted for new.
First off, I love this forum. Everyone here is always helpful and informative. Secondly, I showed your responses to my wife and she shares many of the concerns you have listed here. Since the car is about 1.5 hours away from where we live, she does not think the price and lack of pictures warrants us to take the leap. She has told me that she is willing to up the budget so we can get a new II. I am just so torn about paying these "standard" prices, when I think they would be lower if the disaster in Japan did not happen. Anyway....thank you and wish me luck as I go battle the dealerships this weekend.....
Hope you heed all the good advice you've received here and all the posts I would agree with. If you had time for an adventure, you might try the dealers in either Phoenix or Las Vegas, maybe you could get a deal on a new 2 and have a quick flight and drive back.....just a (probably impractical) thought
You do not know how close I am to buying a plane ticket to Cali and setting up a meeting with Dianne....
Don't fly over, if you pick it up you have to pay taxes in California... if you have it shipped you don't have to... e-mail her first to confirm...
Don't forget room + board plus your time. But you will have a neat adventure/story to tell. But that wasn't my point, sorry if I wasn't clear. Depending on your local laws, you might have to pay tax when you register in your state. Some states will credit you what you've paid in California I think. Just make sure you know exactly what you have to pay before deciding is all I'm saying...
Already posted in the Newbie forum, but I figured someone else might be interested here. I am now the new owner of a silver 2011 Prius II! My wife convinced me that she could haggle the dealerships down close to the used prices we were seeing. On Monday we set out for 3 different dealerships. The first two did not stray far from the so called MSRP of $24,480 and $24,779. and low-balled me on my trade-in to boot (only $1K for an average 2001 Camry). The third dealership was fantastic. The Prius was listed for $24,480, having just floor mats. My wife laid out our prices, $22K for the Prius and $4K for my trade in. Their very first counter offer was $23,700 for the Prius and $2,800 for my trade in. In the end she had them knock off another $700, to make the final $23,000. All said and done we walked out paying $22K with taxes and fees. I opted not to go for the service package as it has gotten mixed reviews. I hope that does not come back to bite us in the nice person. Anyway, I think we did pretty well considering the price gouging going on here in the North East. Thanks for all of your input. I look forward to contributing to this great community. Time to practice my pulse and glide! --Blaq
Congratulations on your new ride. I'm glad things worked out well for you. We just got ours last thursday and the wife and I can't stop taking turns driving it ANC even competing on the mpg. The other car, which is a little more expensive than the Prius Four has become the weekend SUV so to speak.
congratulations on the good negotiations and the new ride. Sorry i didn't see this until now but I know you made the right decision.. In case "buyers remorse starts creeping in" .... 1. you keep your car a Loooong time... you now have a 1 year newer car than the 2010! 2. you have a lot more miles on that warranty... 3. get a couple of oil changes to boot... 4. you don't have to worry about if "it really was slightly used".... Again, congratulations on the new ride... and look forward to hearing how you and partner like the vehicle in the future...