I hear water sloshing around in the front when I make a turn. I am wondering the vent holes by the windshield wipes near the windshield are used to vent air intake into the cabin. Could this sloshing be coming from in there? Is there a drain hole and it f so where Is it located can I clear it? 2004 prius Thanks, Bryan
This sounds like it is an A/C drain hole issue. This is quite common on many car models. There is a drain hole you can clear, and probably some obstruction in the catchment tank. I don't have experience with your model, but I have had this in other cars. What is really fun is that on some models, when you make a hard right turn, that tank spills on to your feet in the driver's foot well. This condition was pandemic with Mitsubishis in the 1990's.
Now I know a name for it. Yep remember older cars having that problem with a pool of water on the front passenger footwell. Is the drain hole usually easy to access? I know you don't know my model 2004 prius. Do you usually need to put the car on lift to access it? Thanks, Bryan
Thanks for the response! Ok are they located at each side of the car? Would you know how or is there link on how to remove both properly? 2004 prius Thanks, Bryan
Wow! Awesome details and pics! So I need to remove wipers and the cowl cover then I will be able to access the holes without doing anything else on that website? Will the 2 holes be obvious to see? Thanks, Bryan
I don't remember if you need to remove the wiper motor but the holes are very easy to find and you can decide. Good luck!
I went to the car all set to start removing cowl cover and wiper. When I noticed with the hood up that on the left hand side against the cowl was a rectangular cut in the plastic about 5 inches long and 3 inches high it is a trap door Easy to remove and with a flashlight I saw that against the firewall at the bottom of the cowl was a small opening it was the drain that was mostly clogged by leaves and dirt. I was able to use a screwdriver to clean the opening and also removed the larger pieces of debris. Replaced the trap door on the cowl. Poured a bunch of water on the windshield and saw the water flow into the small opening Now I get a puddle on the ground behind the front tire. Thanks again for your help! I hope this helps someone out Bryan
Ah I forgot about the trap door. Were you able to reach and clear the other drain on the far side (driver side) as well?
No no trap door on driver side but when I poured all the water as a test on both sides i did see water dripping behind the driver wheel. Bryan