Does this mean that the Quadaffi designed Libyan Rocket, "the worlds safest car," won't be seen in showrooms across the globe after all? "The invention of the safest car in the world is proof that the Libyan revolution is built on the happiness of man." I would guess that the majority of Libyans just got a whole lot more happy irrespective of the fate of the Rocket.
Syria next. What's happening over there, I think, is support from Europe and the US to democratize those Arab countries, which is seen as a way of reducing the threat to oil and of immigration from North Africa to Europe--a big problem. This thing began with George Bush's idea to get rid of Saddam and democratize Iraq. But this cost the US a trillion dollars and about 10 years to do--after deposing Saddam in about 2 weeks.And Afghanistan is almost as bad. The trick clearly is to get the people in the country to do the work overthrowing the dictator. With a little help here and there.Arms, intelligence, air power. No American troops! Libya may become the new model for intervention. The last targets will be Syria and Iran.
Wow, congrats to Obama, he liberated Libya for very little overall cost, no US troops on the ground, no US deaths, and the people of Libya liberated themselves with US supported NATO help. Good Job Obama, even Treb appreciates you.
[ame=]Gaddafi Speech Looney Tunes Version - YouTube[/ame]
I think Président Sarkozy and Prime Minister Cameron deserve rather more of your "congrats" on this occasion.
True, but considering how all the neysayers were blaming Obama for starting a war that he didn't, he deserves some credit for sticking to his guns and not turning it into a full fledged invasion, and allowing the Libyans to free their own country. Think about it, we were part of a liberation of an entire country, for less then a month in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Bush made Qaddafi give up his WMD's and stop supporting terrorist groups without having to bomb libya or even fly an airplane over it, no lives lost. Reagan only had to fly one mission and drop a couple of bombs to get Qaddafi to acknowledge international demands. Your boy is a rookie in comparison. :nod:
Too bad, neither of them really worked, didn't free a people, didn't get rid of his leadership, didn't get rid of his sacking of the Libyan people's wealth, Obama did that, seems like Bush and Reagan were the rookies, they never learned how to anything right. Bush Sr. didn't liberate Iraq, Reagan didn't liberate Lebanon, but I guess he did kill a bunch of marines, so I guess he wasn't a rookie at doing that.
Did you ever learn to read? Just curious, because it always seems you ignore every other word, then make the rest up, sad but true.
MY MY.... MORE polytickin in the Pancake House.... Actually....UNLIKE most of the hack Libs and Conservatives, I do give my boss credit for holding the line in Libya and limiting our involvement to that of being part of a multi-nation group effort in support of, rather than an on-the-ground participant in a civil war. (Why CIVIL??? Are the bullets, bombs, and rockets 'nicer'?) Personally? I wouldn't have sent a CTF over there, and once the all-green flag is down hauled and retired, I'm still curious to see what flavor of government takes root in the Libyan sands...but we're probably in for an improvement. Like many Americans, I fumble the snap as often as not in dealing with questions and prognostications in that part of the world. Syria might not win the "oppressed nation lottery." Like other such countries that we don't involve ourselves with, they're not awash in a sea of the black gooey stuff. However (comma!)......that's yet another guesstimate on my part. We'll see. Another war anyone?
You are sorry, but that is besides the point, the correct point was that Obama was part of the liberation of Libya, at minimal cost, and no American lives. That liberation will hopefully start to give back to a people the wealth that belongs to them as citizens of Libya. Obama did not make them wealthy, like you so ignorantly proclaim, but hopefully they will have more freedom and a higher income from the wealth of Libya.
If Iraq and Afghanistan are any indication, the significant US money drain occurred after the initial battles had ended.
Time will tell. We don't have any boots on the ground, so I don't think we'll get sucked into what the pointy headed strategists call "a protracted asymmetrical conflict." Our current exit strategy is chopping new movement orders to some bird farms to go somewhere else. Pretty clean, actually. The only problem is......we have zero rudder input for the new Libyan government. that's not much different than having "little" rudder input. However (comma!) before my boss goes tripping over his golf bag to get in front of a teleprompter to bask in the warm glow of adoration, he should (and probably will) wait until the smoke clears to see what lies ahead. I'm sure some of the horse holders in DC will bang the drum for him, so that he can do the "awww....shucks" thing. There really is nothing new under the sun. If we follow the instructions in the government playbook titled: "What To Expect When You're Expecting A New Regime", he'll probably try to strong-arm Congress into signing a few blank checks to whomever is calling the shots in Tripoli. But could be worse! At least we don't have to worry about somebody stuffing him into the back seat of an S-3 Viking to do a carrier trap beneath a "Mission Accomplished" banner! I always try to look on the bright side...