Oh a bit of fun from 1991 where Jeremy Clarkson presents a Top Gear clip about 'green' cars. Interesting to look back 20 years. A another blast from the past. A Top Gear UK review from 1997 of the EV1! Can't believe this was 14 years ago. So long ago that the Prius was just appearing on the streets of Japan. Now you can see why there is such confusion about whether Top Gear is factual or entertainment. These older clips are certainly more factual than the now!
So did a Prius rape his Aston or something because he certainly didn't have that negative a look on green cars back then.
He became rich and arrogant. The richer he became the more arrogant he got or was it the more arrogant he became the richer he got? Maybe both.
Odd, JC has gone from factual to hatred, and QW from snide criticism to evangelist. If the EV1 had gone on sale at £35k that would have been amazing. we'd been on the EV4 at least by now, GM would be the biggest, greenest and best car company in the world and second hand EV2s would be driven by everyone.
I'm sure JC did a review of the first gen Prius in Japan in 1997/8. I have looked everywhere for it but can't find it (Hope I'm not mixing it up with that review of the 1991 hybrid I alread posted).
It seemed like a very primitive volt or plug in Prius.Imagine 20 years of development of that....sigh.
Remember that there are two versions of Top Gear. This older (Classic) Top Gear which ended in the late 90s and the current one which started up in 2003 I believe