searched all over the place to replace the plastic cover and Toyota quoted me 150! Just to replace the plastic which is only like couple inches of plastic it's ridiculous can someone please help me. Any thing that covers that back third light would help! Thank you
Could you clarify exactly what is broken? The third brake light is a single piece that's held on by two screws and connected via a plug and play harness. You replace the whole thing. How did you manage to break it anyway?
Shatter the whole spoiler off alongnwith the clear plastic brake light cover replaced the spooked but not the cover for the brake light Long story short broke it backing up in the garage
Yeah, well the 3rd brake light is a single unit. No separate cover. Depending on how bad it is, you might be able to hide the crack using some tints. Rvinyl Headlight Tint, Tail Light Tint, Window Tint, Dash Kits Take the unit out, apply the film and re-install it. Otherwise, it's a whole new unit.
Get the part # from the dealer and then go online to like or others and get it for half price.
Maybe a local junkyard could provide one? That's probably the least expensive route, or one of the parts dealers that frequent this site. Anyone wanna chime in on who they are, because I'm having a Friday morning brain fart
Here's the whole assembly on Not sure how you could order the clear cover only... maybe call up Parts dept at the dealer.
8-12-11 AMAZON.COM TO THE RESCUE---I hope you haven't purchased an overpriced replacement yet. I broke by lt rr taillight on 2009 Touring last summer. Long story short, Toyota wanted $$$ plus labor plus tax to cost $350 total. Amazon sent it to me $99, second day air-no charge, and no Texas state tax. Fit fine. Good luck!
Where on is the third brake light (not the taillight)? I agree you can install it yourself. Just two screws and a plug and play.
$99 through Amazon is still insane, though less so. Take it off and wrap with some sort of 3M film? Our spoiler is a little "distressed": structurally sound, but the rear edge a bit chewed and touched up with some gloss black, plus a single fine scratch across the top that I've just left alone. It's a real glass jaw IMHO, looks to be a gloss black plastic layer on top, over white. I've been debating about doing nothing more, painting in gloss black, painting/clearcoating to match silver body color, or spraying with matt black Plasti-Dip. For painting I'd take it off (have done it before) and have it done by our usual body shop. I've seen a few local 3rd gen cabs with painted spoilers, fwiw: seems to adhere ok.
If you haven't already found a good (less expensive) source, try Parts Geek. My 2007 3rd brake light assembly came to $87.23 plus shipping, two day ground.