Because you can't figure out how to start a thread? Or you're afraid non-believers will do to your thread what you do to non-believers' threads (or non-biased religion threads)? Well, I can't speak for anybody else, but I personally wouldn't post in it because I don't go into threads that don't interest me. If only others did the same...
Gosh, you guys are just being so generous today. I was thinking about posting the "Scripture of the Day" and doing a little introspection on that. What do you think? :cheer2:
Does an increasing belief in evolution indicate an increase in atheism? Maybe it means that Catholics are listening to the pope on evolution (if not birth control, abortion, same sex marriage, women's role in the church). As you know, the pope has endorsed theistic evolution. Most liberal Protestant denominations do the same. Is a world where Madonna and Beyonce are worshiped going to be a better place? I'm not so sure. I was reading a poll of New York State residents regarding among other issues, same sex marriage. While the no religion/agnostic/atheist group supported same sex marriage by a greater margin than Catholic, Protestant or Jewish groups, 22% of the first group oppose, or have no opinion on, same sex marriage. Not to hijack the thread with the specific issue, but that 22% are hard to comprehend... A lack of religion or opposition to religion do not always make the world a better place.
I can't speak for him, but I don't post religion threads because this a car forum that still allows a lot of this off-topic discussion. Also, I'm not the kind of believer that insists of forcing my beliefs on others. For me, it has nothing to do with trying to win over the non-believers. This is still the US and people can believe what they want. One thing I think is interesting: everyone gets gung-ho on removing the word "God" from the money, like it's somehow inhibiting your life. How about looking at it this way: It's pretty amazing that a country that believes in God so much that it's on the money has no problem with people who don't believe in God. I think it's a strong showing of just how open and tolerant we are in this country. It's a sign of the respect we show for the minority, whether it be religion or some other area.
Well it's been great fun killing billions of folk over the space of time since man learned to stand and with a bone to bash Oggs' head in! All in the name of "God ( Insert diety of choice here)" We can't lose, god's on OUR side......what about the other sides god? Maybe if we get rid of god, there would be a few less reasons to have killings........
Anywhere Beyonce is, it's a better place. Quite the opposite - it's a sign of one religion's domination, to the detriment of all others. Put it this way: would it matter to you if the money said "In Allah We Trust"? Why? Wouldn't that be just as open and tolerant? Freedom of religion works by not emphasizing one religion over another, so that all are accepted. For me, the concept includes freedom from religion, but we're not there yet.
You are premature. Notice that threads like yours since this year get the opposing point a lot more? One thing we don't want to respond in kind is a slew of tirades - saying the other side is stupid, taunting like the quote above and other posts in this thread, etc. I think many of you are taking marching orders from "The Four Horsemen": Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens. Unlike say Bertrand Russell who merely presented his viewpoint - The Four Horsemen have chosen on a more aggressive, vitriolic approach....I can definitely see that emulation on many of these threads. I'll suggest one motive is to sell books in the same manner The Jerry Springer Show gets ratings by echewing good content and goes with gratuitous controversy.
That proves a point I've made. It's not enough to allow people to worship if they choose, but to discourage and even prohibit religion as if it was a virus. That's what states like the Soviet Union did with "Freedom from Religion." You're going from beyond tolerance of the non-religious to "It's them or us."
Trying to lighten up, since Mewdonna found a new home, she has been happier and her caretaker worships her. She even has a gap in her front teeth.
"Freedom from religion" means not being forced to go to a place of worship. Not being forced to say prayers. The anti-commie hysteria of the 50s made the perfectly good Pledge of Allegiance into a prayer. And personally, I would love to see money say "In Allah we Trust" (hey, one deity is as good as another, right?). Normally I don't believe in any sort of paranormal phenomena, but I'm going to PSYCHICALLY PREDICT.... you'll answer this with yet another Atheist-bashing post.
Find an atheist-bashing post I've made - one I've called them stupid, evil.....that's not the same as countering to a pro-atheist post. You may pull one of my old posts calling you out for whining about persecution of atheists when little of it has happened at PC. When someone reacts as if there was a witch trial that simply is not happening, that's not bashing.
Just this thread alone, posts number 28 & 29. Apparently just saying "Atheists shouldn't be executed" is a WACKO-COO-COO statement that belongs on the Jerry Springer show. Saying anything but "CHUCK'S RELIGION IS THE ONLY TRUE WAY THERE IS!" is the equivalent of SOVIET RUSSIA! Until you chill the frack out and realize "I have different theological views from you" is not a personal attack, you're going to be the frothing-with-hate little man you are.
Stev0, When you cool down, please read your last post and honestly ask how you are coming off to others? Obviously losing your cool, putting a boatload of words in my mouth, saying "If I'm not 90-100% for you - I must be against you" I had a really good conversation of over an hour last night with a friend - enjoyed it. Not the main topic, but she mentioned she was not a Christian - I did not in anyway attempt to steer the conversation to religion. In fact I thanked her we could have a good time even while we definitely have different beliefs....there are many others in person I've exchanged pleasantries with different beliefs. Hate to say it Stev0, I believe you could have been listening to that conversation, note it was a very friendly one, and yet repeat your last rant of this "Monster Chuck" you wish to believe in.
It is very unfortunate that so many people believe that belief in religion and evolution should be mutually exclusive. Such a link is totally unnecessary. Sure, some religions find themselves in conflict with evolution. But many others can peacefully coexist with it.
Mentioning God, or saying the word God does not equal a prayer. In the case of the pledge, God is used in a statement (one nation under God is describing the nation). You can disagree with the statement, but it's not a prayer.
No, I'm not. My interpretation of the term 'freedom from religion' has nothing to do with intolerance. It extends the freedom of religion idea to include the box marked 'none'. It's an inclusive concept, not adversarial in the least. Just as people should be free to practice their own religion, people should be free to carry on their daily lives without religion. As things are now, we have neither Freedom OF Religion, nor Freedom FROM Religion.
Uh, no. I've never even heard of half of those people, nor read any of their works, and I'm certainly not accepting any marching orders. Independent thought is one of the hallmarks of atheism. If different people happen to reach the same conclusion, it's not because they're all singing from the same hymnary.
Never any mention here of this book: The God Delusion? Among other things, Dawkins equates religion with insanity. That book like some threads here, blames religion for practically everything - a bit over the top.
Faith - Belief - Religion I see many posts on the first two, not the third, Religion. Many posts here talk about Faith & Belief - skipping religion. Religion is what you DO with your faith & beliefs. If you are a "devout Catholic" but just go to Church every Sunday...for what, your duty? True to their faith, belief & religion, a Catholic will do much more, participating in the Christian community, on many levels. Popular ones worldwide are [ame=""]Cursillo[/ame] (that I'm part of) that works on the fact that Jesus was our first true psychologist, to help the individual. - When you, yourself, are a better loving person to yourself, you propagate that love. - Cursillo spans all levels of Christianity, all languages, all countries Here's a challenge. Go into *any* Christian Church in a major city, sit through mass. Now, go to Brasil / Mexico / Haiti / Jamaica for the same. Prepare to be amazed. Re: Goodbye Religion - numbers are down in all Christian religions, the more people are educated & wealthy. Here in Quebec, half the Catholic Churches have already closed, over 90% of the priests will not be replaced. I'm sure most of the US/Can it is the same. Why? What should be done? I was surprised to find that most of the reforms, from Pope Pius XII and up, where not being applied by the old priests. The young priests (aged 55 or lower) were too few, a minority. They know attrition will be huge, times tough. The Church / Pope / Bishops ostracizing entire groups based on their sexual inclination. The young Catholic priests I've talked to don't support their higher-ups on this. Anglicans have more of my respect today for their stances in accordance with Jesus Christ and community involvement. I won't end this post with the traditional Cursillo ending, as it's more debate, facts, personal beliefs type of post. Just know that it means "many colors", just like life. When you see a rainbow sticker[ame=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=5859a4fd51ac8899&biw=1474&bih=1043"]Google[/ame] . on a car, it doesn't mean their sexual preference. Please click on Google Images link to see why, and get a good laugh.