You guys emote whatever suits you about me and other Christians and don't care if it accurate and I might add prefer it's untrue. And you claim to be rational?!
hey guys could we step back and let it go? if Chuck feels victimized, if other people feel offended let it be. At the end it is a faith question, and "a casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
The religious are in a bind. Here's the problem. Much about religious belief is intrinsically absurd. It requires belief in contradictory concepts, outdated concepts, and concepts refuted by science. Its tenets are grossly out of step with contemporary knowledge and mores. Atheism, on the other hand, is not intrinsically absurd. It does not require belief in contradictory concepts, outdated concepts, or scientifically refuted concepts. It is not out of step with contemporary knowledge and mores. The only thing it IS out of step with is what is already out of step: religious belief. Thus anything reasonable spoken about religious belief will nearly always be construed by the religious as "disrespectful", "mocking", or "insulting", even when it is merely pointing its obvious nonsensical aspects. The only disparaging things that can be said about atheism, on the other hand, amount to name calling or deliberate insult because there's nothing about atheism that's absurd. Hence, there will be in public discourse an immense imbalance. The religious, mostly people of good will who haven't any desire to inflict wanton insult, DON'T assail atheism because it can't be done except in an unreasonable way. The irreligious, on the other hand, assail the blatant irrationality of religious belief for the very excellent reason that it corrodes society, it leads to such things as denial of human rights to a fringe component of humanity on the basis of sexual practice, it leads to denial of proper medical care, it leads to stifling the teaching of genuine science, and numerous other destructive elements. And the religious CAN'T strike back, because the only possible way they can is UNREASONABLY. It's a problem. But while it may be an "affront" to societal politeness to assail the entrenched beliefs of a segment of the population, as ANY honest discussion of the absurdities of religious belief MUST, it would be irresponsible to refrain from it. The damage religious belief inflicts is incalculable and indefensible.
BUT the religion (and Christian in particular) is also the great monument to humanity and morality, don't take it back.Yes there was an inquisition, but there was also the sacrifice for the greater good. If you get around read the bible, it is actually a very good book.
I don't mind people preaching as long as I don't have to listen to the preaching.* And I'm sure you mean that the justification for a law shouldn't be religious. For example: - Not OK: "Abortion should be illegal, life is sacred." - OK: "Abortion is wrong, fertilization begins the process of human development and should treated as the point from which human life begins". - Not OK: "Marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman, not a pair of abominable deviants." - OK: "Marriage is a commitment of great value to parenting. Society gives special rights and status to marriage in order to support couples raising children. Since a homosexual couple cannot have children it is not necessary that they have the right to marry." * You don't have to read this
Listening to the preaching is not a big deal. But oppression from religious legislation is a big deal. And yes you have the correct idea as far as political debate. Those points are debatable. A homosexual couple can have children (adoption for men and invetro for women), therefore your argument is invalid for those. Also it could mean that nobody should be allowed to marry until they have children or are expecting. But that is a debate that does not involve fairy magic and can be had rationally.
so let me ask shall the couples with fertility problems have marriage denied? How about post-climatic couples, shall you grandpa and grandma have their license revoked? or how about homosexual couple adopting a child? or having one from previous marriage?
Agreed. These are awesome moral pillars: Selling your daughter to be a sex slave: Exodus 21:1-11 I guess this is why you cannot question anything because your children will be beaten against rocks Hosea 13:16: And those child killers should be happy obviously as in Psalms 137:9 This god fellow has some sort of fixation with bashing babies on rocks. It is also good to know where the moral boundary on slave beating is Exodus 21:20-21 Also pretty harsh on rapers: Deuteronomy 22:28-29 The whole book is filled with these...
If you are a fan and defender of religion, please don't watch this unless you want to be offended. For everyone else, George Carlin hits the nail on the head in this video: George Carlin - Religion is bullshit.‏ - YouTube Tom
It was (is) an entertaining video...and I took it for what it was (is). A comedy sketch. As a Christian myself, I'm not angry, offended, or even slightly irritated when somebody dumps on religion, or the religious. Like the Prius community, we also have "ambassadors" that sometimes make us an irresistible target for those who like to pick on others. It's not all that challenging to get a rise out of people who flop and twitch when you try to turn one of their sacred cows into steak...if you're into that kind of thing. Just search AGW or the Volt, and you'll see examples right here in FHOP. Whether you're ultra religious or ultra not, chances are good that if you're feeling persecuted by the folks on the other team, it's probably something that's going on between your earlobes rather than for-real persecution. JMHO... One thing is for certain.....whether or not religion is "all bullshit" is something that George knows for certain right about now..... Or....for you devotees in the theory that it all just stops when you take the dirt nap....then he doesn't.
What would happen if I flamed a lot at PC about various demonations saying I'm going to Hell because I go to "the wrong church" - just can't let it go? Many Muslims would also say I'm going to spend eternity in a place hotter than 107F in Dallas, particularly the ones that admire bin Laden. If I ranted about such stuff frequently enough there would be a fight, and could not blame them. So why don't I spend lots of bandwidth upset some think I will burn in Hell? What would be the outcome if someone started a thread "What is your favorite Christian Recording Artist or Writer?" .... anyone think such a thread would not be rained on? Just some things to ponder, particularly by a few that may see me as "The Church Lady", but hate to break it to you - I don't wear the same heels and dress she does.
Go for it. I wouldn't post to that thread because my point is not to attack Christians but to defend non-believers. However, to you those two actions are the exact same thing. And I already know your wardrobe - a closet full of T-shirts that say "I (heart) Hating Non-Christians".
^ actually my T-shirts are from donating blood and running marathons. If anyone dispassionately looks at my posts, I rarely protest on a secular topic until it depicts religious people as evil, stupid, or both. When event out in the world in general are reported, I also find issue when the conclusion seems to be: "a few bad apples makes the entire religion bad" and the thread discourse makes it seem like it applies to PC believers.
Alternatively, you could provide a list of all those Christian hate threads you claimed were posted against Atheist. I'd be surprised if you found one. But I haven't been here that long.
Why then is Christianity growing and and the number of Atheist declining? Second time I've posted this question yet have received no reply, wonder why?
Because it isn't a valid question Most religious groups in USA have lost ground, survey finds -
The trend seems Christianity is contracting in the developed world, but growing in the developing world - draw.