I sold my 2008 2nd Generation Prius and am selling the Wet Okole seat covers that I had on the front seats. These neoprene covers are $255 new, but this used pair is available for $75 +shipping costs. The middle fabric pattern is the Red Hibiscus (matched my red Prius); the edges are black. Included are the bottom, back, and head rest pieces for both front seats. There are cutout spaces to accommodate the side impact air bags and built in zipper pockets for the back of each seat. There are no tears, but slight fading from the sun. All straps are still attached to help keep the covers tight and in place. I can email pictures upon request. Email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
I have them saved in Picasa here: https://picasaweb.google.com/108641059444478577334/WetOkoleSeatCovers?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCKngosb37eOZGw&feat=directlink