Maybe one day, his worst nightmare will come true,... Get pulled over by one of these! Parchment's Purchase of Prius Police Car Bothers Buy-American Bigot
The best the spelling: Prius's The possessive form of Prius. Does that say anything about the truck owner?
So, I take it that the weapon is intelligence and the lack of it on that page. Vandals damage Toyotas at Chicago Auto Show « News « JESDA.COM | Cars, travel, and the auto industry.
To each his own. There really is still a lot of anti Prius bias around...perhaps this truck driver just wanted to stir our pot
Some can afford that lifestyle because gas is relatively cheap. Hate can quickly turn into admiration with the right increase in gasoline prices. Also, there is a lot of Chevy Volt hate out there.
I don't bother the folks that drive a work truck. Sometimes you really need a truck! If he is just a stupid hick that can't afford a better ride and burns though gas for no reason he is a fool. And yes, I am both a right winger (right leaning, is probably a better term) and make my living as a tree-hugging environmental auditor. the Prius fits my overall ideals. I think a bumper sticker with "Arab Sheiks hate my car" is one I would put on the back.
As I have said to others before, turn off the tv, especially the 24 hour news shouters, and I think you will find that this country is doing just fine in spite of its current problems (no worse than the 70's and 80's) and people are more than willing to be civil. Of course that means avoiding discussing religion and politics, but those should be personal choices anyway, and we should all respect others' opinions on those matters - except when they want to kill you for being wrong. Also please note that most of the shows shouting rack and ruin are billed as "entertainment" shows, and not real news shows.
I agree on the issue of work trucks. In fact, it is the people who drive non-work trucks to a white collar job that make it hard for work truck owners to fill their tanks cheaply (that old supply and demand thing.)
Speaking of hate, there are tons of stuffs against the Chevy Volt, and it is not coming from foreign countries. » Low Voltage Problems at Government Motors - Big Government
Better turn off the web also because the doom is even greater there (here). With our debt situation (and how we got here), ignoring said elephant in the room is a surefire way to push the social situation into Grecian territory, or worse.
Thank you Stream! I had to read through the entire thread to make sure no one else caught that. I would have been more impressed if he/she had spelled it "Priuses" as well. Lack of intelligence regardless what he/she drives. As for the possible political examination, I doubt this person votes anyway.