The guy who drives that truck is a moron... I lived during those dark days... Spark plugs you had to change out frequently due to carbon buildup.. V-belts that were either too tight and burnt out the pulley bearing (usually the alternator).. Or too loose and either wouldn't do the job, or worst chew themselves to pieces.. Lotsa wind noise and well, just plain noise.. Manual shifting.. Just give me my four speed auto with hi low four wheel.. Adjusting valves.. Oh, and my favorite (NOT!), were changing the points and the distributor cap. If you don't know what dwell is, you are too young.. Oh, yeah, still remember back in '78 when all the new car brochures said the planned life of a engine was 100,000 miles. Oh, and even with the new cars, they had such sloppy tolerances you always had to add some oil right from the start. Strange how much better even then the foreign cars were built. If that guy can't take a crowbar to his financial lifestyle and get something better, don't come crying to us. We've all worked pretty hard to get what we have and keep trying to make the world a little better (unfortunately for people like him).. Of course it could be a woman who wrote that..
There is nothing wrong with large boobs when handled safely and correctly! What backwoods banjo packing part of America did you find this fine piece of Detroit Engineering? I want to vacation near there so I could put the " I (.)(.) Prii! " sticker on the rear bumper. Clods never look are their own back bumper, they just don't! I figure his friends will figure out the (.)(.), they would just scratch their heads at a heart!
-.-- --- ..- ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. ...- .. ... .. - - .... .. ... .-- . -... ... .. - . .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- .. - .----. ... .- --.- ..- .. -.-. -.- -.-. .... . .- - Online Conversion - Morse Code Conversion I swear, you can find ANYTHING on the internet!
And here I was writing down the code and then noticed the link :doh: Kind of tough posting code as the forum server takes out the additional spaces needed between words. Others would be like Wth are you guys typing Mike
As long as you follow the rules of the road, keep up with at least the speed limit, my response to Mr. Bigfoot is, screw you. My place on the road is as important as yours. Pass me if you like and get over it. handlebar aka Mike
-.-- --- ..- .... .- -- ... .- .-. . ... --- -- . - .... .. -. --. . .-.. ... . It never ceases to amaze me how threads evolve. From pics of an old Ford pick up to talk of hooters and symbols for hooters and then Morse code.