Gross Vehicle Weight: 3,800 lbs / certified Dept. of Transportation Oregon truck scales Passengers: 3 adults with luggage etc. Trip: Seaside Oregon to San Francisco Ca and back. Filled up at Seaside Oregon gas station and trip began. Returned 4 days later and filled up at same gas staton. Distance traveled: 1,483.1 Miles Fuel used: 27.328 gallons ( reg gas with 10% Ethanol) Cal and OR gas) MPG Calculated: 54.270 Route to San Francisco / Hwy 26 to Interstate 5 Route to Seaside Hwy 101 Speed 72 MPH to city speeds AC on about 30 % of the time Tires: Michelin Energy Saver / 195 X65X 15 with 44 PSI of Nitrogen in each tire, (42,000 miles on tires) at least another 20,000 left. Oil: Mobil One (0 W 20) filled with only 4 quarts of oil so not to over fill. Impressed with the MPG and overall handling of our Prius I believe that no other vehicle you can buy in the U.S. today can compare with the Prius for now.... alfon
I'm impressed that you went as far as hitting a truck scale to measure the weight of your Prius. Is that a free service there or here in California? Bravo! :clap2:
Cool! Great mileage with 3 adults and luggage. My next tires are going to be the Michelin ES/AS (if I can find them).
That's great mileage, especially for 72 MPH. If you slowed down to 50 MPH, you might need to change the gas, with the oil, every 10,000 miles.
isn't the oil supposed to only be at 3.5 quarts?... just sayin... good mileage for having that much cargo...
The onboard computer registered 57.1 mpg for the last 2,700 miles. I did not reset before I left but MPG guage is consistently off about 2.5 to 3.5 mpg. alfon
Its free, at least here in Oregon, just drive up on the scale and read the weight posted over head. alfon