Hey all, Long time lurker, first time poster. I have a 2010 Prius in Canada (solar panels, leather)...when I bought the car it had "upgraded" rims on - essentially they are low profile and right now there are 4 - 17 inch BF Goodridge G-Sport low profile tires on them. A couple issues... 1. So much spacing in the rims that I am constantly having to get them blown out from mud/dirt buildup causing a shake on the highway. 2. Best I have gotten has been about 640 km on a tank of gas. On the screen, the averages range from 5.6 - 6.5 l/100km. While it is still much cheaper than a "normal" car, I feel the gas mileage should be MUCH better. Especially as some people in Canada state they get around 1000-1200 per tank of gas. 3. I drive the Prius like a Prius - soft. 4. A lot of my drives are highway. Admittedly, it is hilly as well. 5. I don't see a marked improvement while driving in the city at all (as compared to the highway). 6. pressure is at 40f/38r - initially started on 36/34, then went to 38/36 and now at the current... 7. Currently 15,000 kms on the vehicle (since February!!) Long story short, I'm thinking the lack of exceptional fuel economy has a lot to do with the 17 inch rims and low profile tires. Thus, I was thinking of making the switch back to stock 15 inch rims with one of either the Michelin Energy Saver, Goodyear Assurance Fuel Saver, or the Nokian eNTYRE. That all being said, do you guys/girls think I am right about the tires being the culprit? Will I see a noticeable gain if I shell out the dough to switch back to factory rims and 15 inch LRR tires? Thanks in advance for the responses!
ALternatively, is there another rim out there that is lighter/better than the factory in terms of mpg?
True..but if the smaller/lighter stock rims and LRR tires aren't going to improve the gas mileage, then I have no need to replace my current setup (minus the dirt in the rims which I will just have to stay on top off - plus they look great!)... If it will make a difference though, I'm all for it - have others had the experience of switching from a 17 (or 17 low profile for that matter) back to the stock or equally as light 15?
It is very likely that your poor MPG is due to the 17" tires on the car. The wheels have a minor effect but the tires are the real culprit. Even a LRR 17" will cause a drop in MPG when compared to a LRR 15" tire. The weight of the wheel is important but not as important as the tire composition and design. The OEM 17" Prius wheels are very heavy yet the MPG loss is not large when LRR tires are used. Fortunately the GenIII doesn't seem to suffer as great of a MPG loss as the GenII does when larger wheels are used. If you want to get the best MPG possible then find a set of used 15" Prius wheels for cheap or purchase a lightweight set of new wheels that you like. Put a LRR tire like the ones you listed or that are on my LRR Tire List. If you are happy with the 17s then you can try a LRR 17" tire like the Michelin Primacy MXM4 or the Continental ContiProContact. I have been switching between 15s and 17s since I've owned the car and I always see a 6+mpg gain when I go back to the 15s. It's ultimately your call. Do you want better handling or better gas mileage?
If you do not like to take corners fast then the 15" tire is fine. The MPG difference between my 15s and 17s has been fairly drastic. With my current 17" wheels/tires (w/ LRR tires) I was observing a 45mpg average. I could likely have bumped this a bit more with careful driving but I doubt it would have been more than 47mpg. I then swapped to my 15s with LRR tires and I am able to get 55mpg with careful driving. A few months ago I was running on my 17s but with older tires and I was observing 42-44mpg. Prior to that I was getting 50-52mpg even in the winter with my 15s. My point is in my experience over the last 5yrs, every time I put the 17s on my car the MPG drops by 4-6mpg or more. Here is an old thread detailing my experience. This is with 2 different sets of tires than I currently run but the MPG loss is the same. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...59-swapped-17-s-back-instant-drop-in-mpg.html
Thanks! One more quick question...any idea what the weight of the stock rims is? And am I correct to assume the lighter the better?
The OEM 17" wheel is approx. 24lbs. The 15" wheel is about 15lbs. For what it's worth, my 17" wheels are 15lbs and I still see the MPG drop. Yes, the lighter the wheel the better but don't expect too much of a gain from just a lightweight wheel. Keep in mind that a 17" tire will weigh approx. 21-22lbs whereas the 15" tire weighs approx. 17-18lbs.
Further to all this - does anyone know the part number or a website location of where I can buy the factory 15 rims? My Toyota dealership quoted me $2400 for the rims alone...not happening...a few days ago I came across a place where I could get all 4 for $500, but can't seem to remember where that was.
Keep an eye on the Private Sales forum here and also flea-bay. I have noticed a few sets in that general price range, usually with good tires. There is a set on flea-bay without tires now for $440 buy-it-now price 2011 TOYOTA PRIUS 15" WHEELS RIMS STOCK OEM FIT COROLLA | eBay
Thanks - will keep an eye out! Okay I lied...I'm still confused...looking at the stock rims as they seem to be "built" for the aerodynamics of the Prius....BUT...if I were to find something else in the same weight class (15lbs) with a different design/pattern am i going to still potentially lose out on mpg with 15 non stock and LRR's as they are not "aerodynamically" engineered by Toyota? I more than likely won't keep the hubcaps on the stock ones anyway...
I don't think the oem wheels are all that aerodynamic so I think you will be fine with another lightweight wheel. Since I have not tested this personally please take my advice as merely a guess.
Side aero drag can hurt mpg if you do a lot of highways, but it's not nearly as big factor as rolling resistance. Weight is not as big of a factor as you think either. If you upgrade to larger wheel diameter and wider tires, the increased rolling resistance from those is a much bigger factor than weight and side aero drag. What were the specs of your 17" wheels/tires? Even the relatively heavy but aerodynamically-designed factory 17" with 215/45-17 tires get only a ~1.7 mpg hit compared to stock 15". Go larger or wider than that and your mpg will drop further regardless of weight or side aero drag.
Last fall I was looking into snow tires for our Touring Model (comes stock with the 17" rims). Our dealership parts department quoted (roughly) $350 for the 15" and $390 for the 17", per rim. To complete the 15" package you still need the $70 (each) covers. (Unless you want to forgo them. And then you might want to spring for the centre caps, which are maybe $70 for 4, ridiculous outlay for a few pieces of chromed plastic...). You might also need different nuts, say another $50, tops. Ok, assuming you go with covered 15", so far that's up to $1730. That's still a long way from the $2400 you were quoted, and this is all Canadian funds, hmmm...: maybe Tire Pressure Monitors? Also, mount/balance and valve stem will set you back $15~30 per. BTW, for our snow tires I ended up going with steel Corolla rims: $70 per, and didn't bother with TPM's.
Howdy there, Good to see you did increase tyre pressure, however, I run mine at 49/48PSI. As long as you do not inflate the tyres above max wall pressure (this is indicated in the wall of the tyre, my MWP is 53). But 15 inch would be much more suitable, it's all dependant on $$$ Once the ICE has worn in you will notice an improvement also
So...bit the bullet today and picked up (ebay) 4 rims with the hubcaps (centre caps included but no nuts - can find nuts for $20 on ebay). Paid a total of $499 US with shipping so after Cdn conversion it will be around 475 (approx $1900 cheaper than the quoted rims from Toyota)... Now looking into tires - leaning toward the Goodyear Fuel Max or the Michelin Energy saver - any opinions as to what would be better for gas mileage? Also looking into the HydroEdge but the added weight (3lbs per tire) leads me to believe mpg would decrease?????...would also like the TripleTred as I have had them in the past but they aren't LRR....so it looks like it's between the two above... Toyota charging $130 to move the TPMS...seems awfully high??? Also, they are stating I need a wheel alignment after new rims and tires...is this correct? @32kcolors - no idea as to the specs of the current rims - although with all the spacing, they don't look too aerodynamic! @tassie - my MWP on the current is 44
read this: When Round and Black Becomes Lean and Green Not sure if the mediocre numbers on Fuel Max tests were related to "new tire" effect. I did not take chances. With 15" Michelin Energy Savers A/S at 42/38 last tank is 62MPG, 60MPG since last oil change (3,500mi). YMMV
I have Michelin Energy Tires, 195x65x15, for over 44,000 miles now. All four are inflated to Max sidewall pressure of 44 PSI, Costco Nitrogen. I expierenced a 2-3 mpg gain over the factory Yoko Avid tires. The tires are wearing quite well with over 60,000 miles estimated life at this point with 44,000 miles. Last fillup was over 54 mpg, calculated, with these tires in real world driving on vacation with 3 people and vehicle gross weight of 3,800 lbs. alfon
If you go with Savers a couple pointers: - going over 42psi (44 max) does not do much for MPG but decremental to grip - they are soft and make car more sensitive to cross winds. Reducing rear pressure to 38psi helps with stability - they are not grippy in dry but they retain grip in wet much better then others - do not have 1st hand experience but people say they are very mediocre in snow