Well to the dealership at 5000 miles for rotation and asked to eliminate reverse beeps. The reverse beeps taken care of took 1 hour for all maintance not bad but checked tire pressure after home and let tires cool down each tire different pressure right side 41 lbs 40 left side. Checked 4 times with a digital gauge. car was brought in 42 front 40 rear checked before i left my garage. Dem quazy dealerships lol.
My car lives outside. The shady side can easily be 1-2psi lower than the sunny side. I don't believe the mechanic touched your tires. If he did they woyuld all be WAY low. I check the tp in 1 tire before I leave the lot.
Every time I bring the Prii in for service, I also tell them the tire pressure I maintain. Each time, when I get home and let the tires cool down, the pressure is totally screwed up! I finally confronted the service manager with this and he admitted the pressure gauge they use is part of the air hose. Bottom line, I leave my digital gauge with them each time. End of problem!!
Yes, but be sure to Check your rims and inspect your car very closely BEFORE you drive off! I took mine in for the 5K mi check, and every rim was dinged by the impact wrench plus they scratched the drivers door. The service Mgr. sounded very sorry and concerned and was talking about replacing the wheels but I guess he checked the prices and started backing out by looking for someone to fix them (he said they are supposed to use a special socket with plastic on it - but I guess they forgot that day). Every time I call, he is still looking, just getting ready to call me, or has some other excuse. If your tires are wearing evenly and everything is fine, DO NOT let them touch anything they do not absolutely have to. Funny, I have had the car since April with out so much as a scratch, they get it for 15 minutes and WHAM!