I actually always feel proud of my Prius. I have answers to all the questions about any Prius misconceptions.
Oh, yea, the Prius had it coming, other cars are jealous because of all the attention the Prius has been getting.
4. Your friend with the BMW sounds like almost everyone who drives that brand; yes I mean a pr.ck. And from the sound of it an immature one. ........ Hey, wait a minute! That is like saying every Prius owner is a tree hugger environmental junkie. I love both my BMW and my Prius.
Wow, Adam, you just spewed out a load of ridiculous generalizations that are as absurd as those you are railing against. FOX News actually doesn't dispute the usurper's American citizenship...you have to venture online for alternative news to find oppositional viewpoints and professional opinions alike, and those are primarily about his arguably (lacking) natural born citizenship status. The way he kowtows to the likes of La Raza ("The Race"), though (just today), sometimes I *do* wonder if he's a citizen; the same goes for his shady past, which you would be wise to research (that includes venturing outside of MSNBC, CNN and Fox alike) before assuming he's as American as apple pie. Oh, and a few months back, FOX news actually had a positive segment about hybrids and alternative energy vehicles since they will go a long way in reducing metropolis smog. F8L, one who goes to the extreme in any direction can be described as a wacko, IMO. Like selling your fossil fuel-based vehicle and buying an all-electric 100-mile ranger in the hopes of keeping the erf from warming up 0.009 degrees, even though you regularly make cross-country trips for familial and/or employment purposes. The same can be said for those who would buy a Hummer for no other apparent reason than to commute back and forth 50 or more miles per day simply because they can. On-topic remark to the OP: Get over the ribbing. Those whom you mentioned are all merely acquaintances whose approval should have no effect on your perceptions of the Prius.
Not really. Lots of people like power, whether in the form of a pick-up or sports car. Lots of people think they aren't safe unless they have 4WD or an SUV. Lots of people are ignorant or fall for the battery FUD. Lots of people enjoy winding others up. Last, but not least, lots of people are dicks.