Death toll has been revised downward to 76. Also, German tourist rescued teens during island massacre - World news - Europe - Gleffe got into the boat he had rented and set off, Der Spiegel said. He was the first person to reach the island where Anders Behring Breivik gunned down dozens of youngsters at a summer camp. "You don't get scared in a situation like that, you just do what it takes. I know the difference between fireworks and gunfire. I knew what it was about, and that it wasn't just nonsense." He described how many of the youths were suspicious and shouted, "Are you police, are you police?"
OK, one more time. Hating hate does not equal hate. Being intolerant of intolerance is not the same as intolerance. I can venn diagrams if that would help.
However you rationalize it is your thing man. To be honest, I've never been a big fan of Marxist codespeak like "intolerance, hate, racism", et all.. I only use it to sop up the irony.
Speaking of rationalization, Breivik pictures himself as a latter-day Knights Templar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...I don't see much chivalry in spending the night before with prostitutes (he wrote about it - don't know if he did so) then killing people indiscriminately. He's not the only monster that fancies himself a martyr. The leaders of Britain and France have stated multiculturalism has failed....right-wing, anti-immigration parties are on the rise because immigrants are not adapting to their new homes in Europe. It will be interesting in Norway how security changes - it did when Olaf Palme was assassinated in more walking without bodyguards. Sweden restricts automatic guns essentially the military and the like....Breivik got his only by saying it was for deer hunting...Norway might have less gun control than the US.
"Rarely has the connection between sexual anxiety and right-wing nationalism been made quite so clear. Indeed, Breivik’s hatred of women rivals his hatred of Islam..." I posted that somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Nevertheless, that line of reasoning is reminiscent of hateful left-wing propaganda to the point of being cliche'.
Whatever you make of the writer's opinion, ascribing it to hate on my part is pretty pathetic and idiotic. Ah well.
Breivik, who avoided girlfriends and steady relationships because it would have made it difficult to maintain his cover, added a bit later that he had sex twice during his Prague trip. Details are not provided. “I did screw two girls in Prague though, but that was mainly because it was a realistic chance that I would end up dead during the process of establishing a weapons connection.” He added that he had set aside €2,000 from his operations budget intended “to spend on a high quality model escort girl one week prior to execution of the mission.” Originally, Breivik intended to try to obtain weapons in Berlin or Serbia if his mission in Prague failed. The Czech disappointment though led him to get his weapons through legal channels, seeking permission in Norway to get a hunting rifle and pistol. For the latter, his membership of an Oslo gun club dating from 2005. Oslo killer sought weapons from Prague
If immigrants aren't adapting, and the current residents aren't accepting them, then that's not really multiculturalism. A collection of various monocultures is not at all the same.
Seriously. Perhaps pasting the article text within a "QUOTE" script with a header that reads "From the article" would alleviate potential confusion. Exactly. And then there is the whole "will of the people" thing that is supposed to define modern (alleged) democratic institutions. Oh well....give a mouse a cookie.
if you bothered to read the article, you would have seen things like: So yeah, this guy is, along with being an xenophobic maniac also a misogynist maniac.
Terrorist proclaimed himself 'Darwinian,' not 'Christian' Anyway, this seems to be another example of the first thing reported taken at face value. One thing for sure - he has issues.
But further down the article: Although admittedly So basically you can say anything about this guy to fit your personal agenda, no matter what that agenda is.
In short, this guy is a nutcase through and through. His parents must be feeling awfully bad, and probably for the rest of their lives too. Leading US right-wing broadcaster Glenn Beck has been slammed by the Norwegian government for on-air comments he made comparing the teenage victims of the weekend’s massacre to the Hitler Youth. In a radio show broadcast in the US overnight, former Fox News presenter and Tea Party poster-boy Glenn Beck said, "There was a shooting at a political camp, which sounds a little like, you know, the Hitler Youth or whatever. I mean, who does a camp for kids that's all about politics? Disturbing." A former press secretary to Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg slammed Beck's statements as a "new low", saying they were "ignorant" and "extremely hurtful". Torbjorn Eriksen told the Telegraph that “young political activists have gathered at Utoya for over 60 years to learn about and be part of democracy, the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about.”
Just saying pegging him was premature, imprecise. He's anti-Muslim, anti-socialist for sure. NYT: In Norway, police are rarely armed - World news - The New York Times -