The best time to get it turned off is during the sales negotiation, your salesman will agree even if the service guy does not. Once you own the car, you can't leverage the sales guy against Service.
Supplies were low in 2005 when I bought my Prius so rather than get on a waiting list I accepted a red one with nearly white interior. I wanted a white car with grey interior. I've grown to love the car and the red color. I'd have never grown to love the other earlier colors though. I considered them old people colors.
Well, I contacted a few dealerships with the specifics. The first said it was a 4-6-month wait. The second said 6 weeks but that the nav package was harder to find. The third said, "I have it on the lot right now." Much variation! (I have considered the third guy might have been lying or something, LOL.) Between my current car's state and a holiday weekend coming up, though, it gets complicated.
Yeah, I remeber first seeing the brochure and being like, "what is up with these colors?" The only one I liked was the salsa red 3rd guy might just happen to have it really, and if you want it, and it is that rare in your area, it would make sense to hussle. They don't all have or get the same thing. When I got mine I was wait listed for 4 months at one place, somone on another board recommended another dealership, they got it for me in either a week or two, can't remember. Exact color and option package I wanted.
I am officially now a "soon-to-be" Prius owner. :rockon: Apparently, you can't get a V with nav. :-p So I've ordered one with the advanced (have mercy!). Kind of a financial ouchie. They'll take my Civic off me for $200 more than the amount I paid the Honda dealership last week to fix a few of its problems (specifically, the ones the mechanic thought would "endanger my life" ). It's been 10 years since I bought a car (and that was my first), so I'm out of practice. And having to order one is another ballgame again. I think I was the only person in the dealership ordering a Prius. Everyone else was fondling giant SUVs (they are very loved here). Almost the last thing the head guy said to me before I left was something like, "You want a Prius, and we want to get you one!" I was like, yep, bet you do. Edit: It's coming! He just called.
I meant nav only. They figure anyone wanting a V wants the whole shebang because, you know, they're already spending. I doubt I'll use most or any of it and seriously doubt I'll ever figure any of it out.
Congrats on the new Prius. I also just ordered mine and am awaiting delivery. Here in California, the dealer was able to locate a five with navigation package (no advanced). Make sure to post pictures when you take delivery.....woot!!!:welcome:
I picked it up tonight! I forgot what a pain it is--I spent 2.5 hours there, between looking at it, talking to the finance guy (who gave me a cookie), half an hour going over it... I got them to turn off the reverse beep. The extra tint will come later. I didn't realize all the doodads it had until the salesman was going over it. I mean, jeez, headlight washers? I didn't mess with anything on the way back except turning off gps voice (he'd programmed my address for demonstration). It wasn't long before I felt pretty comfortable in it. I hope all the doodads won't distract me, though. I got back and synced my iPod, whee. This whole lack of a key thing may end up being entertaining to me. Grab handle, unlock, push tiny thing, lock. There was a white one there, too. He said they got it in with mine, I guess, and this morning, some man walked in, said "have a Prius?", and bought it on the spot. Going from a couple pricey highlanders, I think.
Welcome to the world of Prius. You'll love the technology found on the AT package. From the first time it brakes to maintain speed with DRCC to parking itself (yes you can park faster but it's a cool thing to show at dinner parties) to the water-repellent front glass windows (maybe not in Texas) and the plasmacluster ionizer filter.
lol. It's a product by Sharp Electronics (yes, Sharp makes more than just TVs. Walk into any Asian appliance store and you'll find Sharp and Hitachi fans and portable A/Cs. A plasmacluster filter will prob be in there). It basically sends out charged ions into the air to attract dust and other fine particles. They tend settle down (which is why some people say their dashboard appears dustier than usual). It comes out of the driver's vent and it's completely maintenance free AFAIK. That, combined with the cabin air filter should mean a pretty clean cabin (I've upgraded my cabin air filter to a particulate filter because I work near oil refineries and do not want to breathe in the crap they spew. The stock Toyota cabin air filter is just a dust & pollen. Not as fine). You can buy 3rd party ionizer filters (Sigma Automotive – Accessories that make your car go cleaner, meaner & greener for example) to retrofit into the Prius (Any generation). It just attaches to the ceiling.
The headlight washers not only help you at night by keeping your headlights clean and more of the light on the road where it belongs, they also help oncoming traffic A LOT if you ever drive in dirt or dust collects on the headlight lenses. The dust scatters all the extra light that HID and the new LED headlights put out (luminous flux is about 2.7 times as much per watt of power with HID, and I'm not sure how much with LED, compared to high quality halogen bulbs), which can cause huge amounts of glare to oncoming traffic. In most modern industrialized countries, washers are actually required by law when you have HID or LED headlights. The U.S. is still a wee bit behind the times with regard to headlight technology.
We just put a deposit on a 2011 Prius 4. White with beige leather. No Nav, no sunroof. It did come with foglights and floormats. We'll be pulling those out and putting in Weathertechs first thing.
So far, I'm addicted to the auto-everything on it. It unlocks itself, plays music from the iPod in my purse...I don't have to do anything. Picked up a sunshade and blingy license plate holder today.
:welcome: to Prius Chat Gary! Be sure to get those mats safely attached, we can't afford more unintended acceleration! And we would hate to lose you!