Hello, so i parked the car in garage at my work, but forgot to shot it off, as i found out 8 hours later. why wouldn't car shot off? i got the key with me. I know it was my fault, but still i wish it could stop with out detecting the key. The good thing was that car was nice and cool, since i was using ac. The bed thing was that mpgs dropped from 54.4 to 51. I was working on my best mpgs so far. any feed back would be good. Thanks, C
car does not shut off unless you push the power button. it should have beeped at you as you closed the door and walked away. what kind of feedback would you like?
This is just about all that can be said. Just make sure to turn your car off before you get out. I may have done this once or twice, but when the car beeped at me three times after shutting the door, I realized I did indeed forget to turn the car off. Not much more to say, learning from your mistake is the best way to prevent them in the future. There is always next tank.
When the battery in the key fob eventually goes dead, resulting in the key is no longer detected, and you're doing 70 MPH on the freeway, do you really want the car to shut off?
It's obvious that you don't lock your doors......if you had try to lock the doors.....the car would of given a long beep. Your lucky that someone didn't drive off with your car. Especially in Boston !!!
exactly. It is good practice to just lock the car when you get out. Even with the car off, if you don't shut a door fully, you will know.
This is why I park with the power button. I don't press the Park button but rather the power button... this ensures that I shut off the car.
Ditto. This makes it far less likely to forget to shut off the car, and pressing the power button automatically puts the car in park.
You mean there's another way you're supposed to do it? Note for the humor impaired: That was sarcasm. Since I have to deal with gates and locks all of the time.....I have to use the Park button much more than I'd like to. However (comma) when I'm PARKED, I usually just hit the power button. As others stated......it's a good habit to get into.