and the assailant speeds off in a Prius...... We had a great time with this story while recording WhatDrivesUs last night! Man victimized in pudding attack for more details | a blog for SCV nerds by SCV nerds. Blogging Santa Clarita daily since 2006 My favorite quote form the second article:
This is getting out of hand.... Pudding MUST be banned!!! least the high-capacity pudding cups! We have to think of our kids and our future. NOTICE: (for the humor impaired) the above post is sarcasm.
I'm telling you. It's gettin' real in the Whole Foods parking lot. West LA is going to be known for hard core Prius drivers. Get in my way while I'm tryin' to buy Kombucha and I'll straight smash you with pudding foo!
Shoot, don't mess with us Prii drivers. We know how to use pudding cups and in EV you'll never hear us coming until SPLAT!!
We joked about the Prius Chat Shop carrying Prius Pudding in large multi-packs for defense..... or offense.
It would help curb the rash of accidental pudding-ings between non-outlaws that for some reason like to store pudding all willy nilly.
I wonder what kind of a stash Flaninacupboard has? That stuff is dangerous because of the caramelized top layer, it's practically armor piercing compared to regular custard.
This is funny stuff! It's a shame the media did not get their hands on this story. I can see the headline: Prius drivers as Driveby Poop-ding Attackers?
Ohh please say it is so. I am writing my local congressmen/women to get this law proposed. No more pudding! In the wrong hands things can get sticky!
It figures... Somebody gets whacked in a drive-by pudding, and now some low-octane type wants to ban pudding!!! What would our founding fathers say? What part of: "A well balanced diet, being necessary to the nutritional needs of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear pudding, shall not be infringed!!!" do you not get????? &^%$! PRIUS DRIVERS!!!! What's next????? Jello? Krispy-Kremes??? C'mon!!!
Wouldn't cupcakes be a higher caliber weapon? Not to mention muffins... Plus, there's no point banning the lower risk substances; it would only encourage people to 'graduate' to something more harmful. And once it's illegal, organised crime will get involved, pushing the prices up and increasing the danger for everyone.