Hey guys. I have a very quick question. I want my rims to be super clean/shine, and yes, I do wash them thoroughly. However, I was wondering if there is a better product out there to do the job? Say, a polish for our wheels? No, I'm not talking about the hubcaps obviously, but the actual rims underneath. Are they metallic, alloy, or what? If anyone could recommend me a product besides some good car wash to clean/polish these with I'd be very appreciative. Let me know! Thanks!:eyebrows:
If you have any build-up on them, you can use a bug & tar remover, such as this RainX: Rain-X®: Bug and Tar Pre-Wash Gel After cleaned, you can apply RejeX, which is a polymer that was designed for high temp applications, and will minimize build-up and make future cleaning easier: RejeX
Thanks for the reply Stream. I don't necessarily have any problems with build up or tar. Not really a big problem to clean them either. I guess you could say I'm looking for a "wax" for my rims? As in, after they are already clean, something to apply to them which will make them "pop" more like a freshly waxed car. Maybe nothing exists for strictly rims.
Yes, they are a metallic alloy. They are painted, have a clear coat and take the same care as your car's paint. Wheels live in a pretty nasty environment, what with brake dust ( a mercifully small amount on a Prius) and splashed up road crud. There are products such as Rejex that help somewhat at getting stuff to not stick to your paint (including wheels).
RejeX is the way to go. If you use ordinary wax, it will not last very long due the high temp of the wheels.
I use a product called "Wheel Wax" that works well. Although as said above you can use any good polymer sealant or a heavy carnuaba wax. Most waxes will vaporize because of the high wheel temps.
Thanks so much for the comments guys. I am going to look into these products suited for high temperatures. Thanks a ton. That's exactly the answer I was looking for.
I use the same stuff I use for the body. Currently: Mequiar's NXT Generation Tech Wax 2.0 (bit of a mouthful...). Goes on and comes off easy, seems pretty good. We're always swapping between the OEM's and separate snows on steel rims. I'll wax both when they're off the car. Makes for more complete waxing in lug nut wells, and is just generally easier.
I use this stuff everywhere! speed shine and a microfiber towel. Speed Shine® - Griot's Garage Get the refill kit /gallon +35oz w/sprayer and save $$ The spray on car wash is good too! I think they have free shipping now.Go crazy!