I flipped my 2010, sold it for 24.5K and two months later got a 2011. Maybe its all in my mind, but the 2011 seems more solid, zero rattles, solid as a rock compared to my 2010. Anyone else notice this?
generally such improvements are done whenever ready, not waiting for MY and it could also be cold vs warm... in cold weather, rattles really come alive.
I'd hope Toyota made some subtle improvements from the 2010 to 2011. However, with my new 2011, I experienced that creaking sound near the back right side passenger lock mechanism when driving over uneven pavement that was also reported to happen in some of the 2010 models. This sound was annoying as hell, like my frame was flexing. After adding a little spray of WD-40 combined with a little dab of oil lube, it all went away thanks to a tip on one of these awesome threads.
I got a 2011 loaner while my 2010 was in for service. MAN - what a solid ride. I loved it! I asked about the difference when I went back and they said it's a totally redesigned car and much heavier.
That was a fib, the 2011 and 2010 are essentially the same car. There are always ongoing improvements in the production line during the model year, likely addressing the rattles that many of us first-month 2010 owners experienced. USB was added mid-year, I remember some postings about steering system changes, and there were likely numerous other tweaks and small improvements that were not well publicized. But the 'totally redesigned car and much heavier' refers to the change from 2009 to 2010, not 2010 to 2011. Then a minor refresh was applied to the 2012s, pulling in even more small improvements, but still no 'total redesign'.
I waited to buy an 11, I would never buy the first year of a new or completely redesigned model. I am however grateful to the early adapters who work out the bugs for me.