Hi I am in the process of installing a backup camera and need help on 2 things... Which wire can I tap into from the reverse light? And how do I get the black piece back in? The piece that goes into the top of the hatch thru where I have run the wire from the hatch to the car.... Thanks.
Sorry, the questions don't make a lot of sense... could you clarify? Where you able to get the wires through the rubber boot? If not, I was able to use a coat hanger to feed them through. As for the reverse light wire: I tapped the red wire of the socket in the right-hand side of your picture. In another thread, someone found the reverse signal in the driver's foot-well.
I got the wire thru the boot however in doing so I had to remove the boot at the bottom getting it back on is almost impossible..... there is a white piece under the boot that is somewhat making it difficult to get the boot on ... this is where the boot would be on the lower side. So for the reverse wire when you say red do you mean on the one that is red blue on the circular plug? Or the red on the rectangular plug? Thanks.
Yes, red/blue on the circular plug (right hand side of your photo). The boot should just lock into place by pushing it back into the hole... no tricks needed. Make sure it is seated properly though... you don't want water leaking in.
thanks, I will be going to complete the wiring in an hour or so... Here are the wires I am connecting... 1. Reverse light connects to the backup wire on the back of the HU (kenwood has a wire purple in color) 2. Power wire from the camera to the constant switched power by the HU 3. RCA to the rear view cam wire on the back of the HU. tried a lot to push the boot in the hole... however there is a white plastic piece under the boot that is preventing pushing the boot in... I think i need to get that white piece under the boot as step 1 then i should be able to push the boot in!
got it working!! thanks for everyone's help. Still need to figure out to put the boot back in... also my mode button does not work on the steering wheel controls.. everything else works! (vol + /- track + /- work). I am using Metra's ASWC Here are the connections I have that go from metra to prius green-orange (of metra) -- red wire of prius (on 2nd harness) black-green (of metra) -- to green wire of prius --------------------------pink wire of prius --> vehicle ground. Can someone verify the wires for me going to the metra please.. I do have the red and black form the metra going to switched power and ground respectively. Thanks,
Glad things are coming together for you. With the SWI wiring, does that model take a resistor? Mine did. See my A/V upgrade link in my signature for more information.
nope no resistors.. the funny thing is... I did the exact same install for my parent's prius same HU same module and theirs worked just fine...
Are the grid lines etched into the camera or is the HU adding it into the image? Do you have a pic of the Camry 09 camera installed on your Prius that you can share?
Grid lines are part of the display - mine are colorful, this one has blu - they all do the same thing. I haven't seen any camera without them (and I would verify with the seller they are there - it really makes a difference)...
I believe ebay seller: factorykiss (I think that's the user name) sells them without grid lines if you contact them direct. I really just wanted to know if the camry 09 from the seller that jayl mentioned came with them already etched in. I understand that some aftermarket HU can display/adjust/toggle the lines.
The camera i got has the grid lines etched in the camera... The backup camera on my other car has the colored etched lines..
Nice! Looks clean!! Did you remove the black plastic blank or drill the camera into it? Thanks for sharing.